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Be a Cross-Border EC Influencer!!

Web Marketing

on 2024/11/22



Be a Cross-Border EC Influencer!!


高橋 彬マイケル

投資銀行 → プライベート・エクイティファンド → ベンチャー投資ファンドを経て、forest創業。

「Eコマース市場を支える、新しいエコシステムを目指しています」forest CFO・高橋に聞きました

高橋 彬マイケルさんのストーリー

縄稚 崚太

メイン業務は事業推進です カートShopifyの自社構築ECサイトにて海外の方に日本の良いモノを届けています メディアやSEO上がりで前職ではiOS、Androidのアプリマーケ / PdMや物販(モールメイン)の運営をやっていました。 変わり種ではビジネス系YouTube(現在のch登録者30万、累計再生回数1億超)のアカウントを立ち上げたりしていました。 グロースマーケティングに興味があります ・前職時:業務委託から正社員となり2年程度 スマホアプリのCtoCマッチングサービス(中分類ではスキルシェア系)を運営している会社でグロース担当(何でも屋さん) ローンチ時から参画して月間流通額(GMV)を300倍超まで伸ばしました。 >担当領域詳細 ■開発ディレクション 優先度決め、仕様検討、開発依頼管理 画面の詳細設計 ■マーケティング G/Yリスティング、FB/IG広告、LAP運用 外部パートナーとのやり取りとSNS運用 キャンペーン施策立案〜実行 ※予算〜1,000万円/月程度 ■各種ベンダーとのコミューター CS / Lステップ設計~運用など ■IR(投資家向け事業説明資料作成、事業計画の予実/予算合わせ) ■プレス作成やPRなど全般 モール運営 ※契約社員時 M&Aで取得した月商1,000万円ほどのECモールにて店長(化粧品OEM) 出店モール:Amazon・楽天市場・Yahoo!ショッピング・Qoo10 >担当領域詳細 ■各種PMI ■CS含め運営全般 ■商品開発や広告設計 / 運用 ■各モール管理画面周り設定、イベント対応 ■各在庫連動設定、SNS上モールやBASE立ち上げ&ショップ受発注連携など SP / SD / SB、バナー・テキスト、RPP、TDA、クーポンアドバンス、ショップクーポンなど主要モールの主たる広告は基本触った経験があります ・学生時 大学受験向け学習塾(某T田塾、400校舎超ぐらい)で合格実績と立ち上げから生徒数の伸びの項目で全国1位の成績を出した校舎でアルバイトしていたり、休学してハノイで外国の方向けに日本語を教えていました その他帰国後はメディアのライター、KW出し(30メディア程度/月)、フリーランス人材紹介をしている上場企業の大阪支社立ち上げなど ライター時の実績では月間vol2万超のKWでSEO1位を取ったり、上場企業クライアントのメディアを複数見ていました 日本語教師は養成講座(420時間)修了 実務は初級〜N4(ベトナム)、N4〜N2(国内)です

BOMBAR Matthieu

Born and raised in France, enjoying my life in Japan since 2022!


投資銀行 → プライベート・エクイティファンド → ベンチャー投資ファンドを経て、forest創業。


Forest Inc. acquires brands through M&A and supports their growth by leveraging e-commerce platforms (like Amazon, Rakuten, Shopify) for marketing and supply chain optimization. We are committed to inheriting Japanese consumer goods and traditional crafts. Over the next few years, we plan to conduct M&A for 50–100 brands. Our goal is to introduce Japanese-born global brands with exceptional quality and functionality that customers can use for years. Our vision and business growth have been highly evaluated by both domestic and international investors. In 2023, we completed Series A funding, reaching a cumulative total of ¥3.8 billion. Looking ahead to the next 2–4 years, we aim for an IPO and plan to accelerate investments for further growth. By 2030, we aspire to become a leading Japanese EC and retail group with sales of hundreds of billions to one trillion yen, revitalizing Japan's manufacturing industry.
Experts from various fields form teams to drive the growth of acquired brands.
Our team consists of professionals with diverse backgrounds, including those from e-commerce, manufacturing, strategy consulting, and private equity funds. Many student interns are also actively contributing!
Shibuya Stationery Store
We operate a business that delivers exceptional Japanese products both domestically and internationally, ranging from everyday goods designed in Japan to traditional crafts for export.
Our founder, Shingo Yuhara, grew up witnessing the challenges his parents faced while running a small manufacturing business. With deep respect for all brand owners and creators, he established Forest Inc., driven by his desire to revitalize Japan’s manuf


Experts from various fields form teams to drive the growth of acquired brands.

Our team consists of professionals with diverse backgrounds, including those from e-commerce, manufacturing, strategy consulting, and private equity funds. Many student interns are also actively contributing!

Forest Inc. acquires brands through M&A and supports their growth by leveraging e-commerce platforms (like Amazon, Rakuten, Shopify) for marketing and supply chain optimization. We are committed to inheriting Japanese consumer goods and traditional crafts. Over the next few years, we plan to conduct M&A for 50–100 brands. Our goal is to introduce Japanese-born global brands with exceptional quality and functionality that customers can use for years. Our vision and business growth have been highly evaluated by both domestic and international investors. In 2023, we completed Series A funding, reaching a cumulative total of ¥3.8 billion. Looking ahead to the next 2–4 years, we aim for an IPO and plan to accelerate investments for further growth. By 2030, we aspire to become a leading Japanese EC and retail group with sales of hundreds of billions to one trillion yen, revitalizing Japan's manufacturing industry.


We operate a business that delivers exceptional Japanese products both domestically and internationally, ranging from everyday goods designed in Japan to traditional crafts for export.

Our founder, Shingo Yuhara, grew up witnessing the challenges his parents faced while running a small manufacturing business. With deep respect for all brand owners and creators, he established Forest Inc., driven by his desire to revitalize Japan’s manuf

"Nurturing Japanese Creations, Enriching the World" Japan has a long history of creating diverse traditional crafts. However, being a talented creator doesn’t necessarily mean one is an equally skilled merchant. With the recent expansion of the e-commerce market, it has become easier for creations by individual artisans to reach audiences worldwide. By standing alongside these exceptional Japanese creations as skilled merchants, we aim to deliver their beauty and quality to people across the globe, enriching lives and making the world a more vibrant place.


Shibuya Stationery Store

Our team comprises specialists with over 10 years of experience in fields such as retail, e-commerce, and marketing. Beyond the breadth of expertise, we foster synergy within the team to nurture and launch brands effectively. We also work with a diverse range of brands, enabling us to simultaneously engage with various industries and fields. Unlike operations focused on a single brand, our approach offers the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and experience across businesses, providing an environment for specialists to grow. We primarily drive the following two business areas: 1. Domestic Business We acquire brands through M&A, focusing on those with annual sales ranging from ¥100 million to ¥3 billion. We implement growth strategies across multiple facets, including marketing, supply chain management (SCM), business management infrastructure, and organizational development. Having completed over 10 M&A transactions and brand growth investments, Forest has built unparalleled expertise in e-commerce, cross-border commerce, and retail business management within Japan. 2. International Business We operate a business that globally markets traditional Japanese crafts and everyday goods under the "Made in Japan" label. By visiting local industries committed to quality craftsmanship, we bring Japan's unique products and their stories to the global market. Forest exists to revitalize Japan’s culture of exceptional manufacturing by harnessing the power of business and technology. Future Plans Based on the knowledge gained from these ventures, we plan to introduce services tailored to the e-commerce and retail industries, leveraging data and technology.


The Overseas Business Division, specializing in cross-border e-commerce, introduces unique Japanese products created with exceptional sensibility to both domestic and international audiences. Here are some of the EC sites we operate: 【Our EC Sites (Examples)】 ◆Omakase:Traditional Crafts Cross-Border EC Store https://omakase-forest.com/ ◆Shibuya Stationery Store: Promoting Japanese Stationery Culture https://shibuya-stationery.com/ In this position, you will support the operations manager and handle the following tasks: 【Key Responsibilities】 ・Managing and operating SNS accounts (mainly Instagram), including content creation and scheduling posts. ・Marketing via EC mall (Amazon)& our own online stores (Shopify) including SEO/advertising/sales campaigns tailored to the target markets. ・Product registration and page creation for EC malls and our own online stores. 【Required Skills】 ・Understanding of major SNS platforms (especially Instagram), with basic knowledge of trends and engagement improvement. ・Buisiness-level English proficiency. ※Ideal for those are fluent in English, actively use SNS, and are consecencious of trends. 【Preferred Skills, Experience, and Traits】 ・Creative production skills (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva; video editing skills are a plus). ・Creativity and visual sense. ・Attention to detail and organizational skills. ・Adaptability and eagerness to learn. ・Interest in Japanese culture and stationery. ・Japanese proficiency at N1 level or higher. 【Work Location】 Shibuya Office. A minimum of 3 workdays per week is required (flexibility during exam periods can be discussed). Feel free to reach out! We look forward to connecting with you!


    縄稚 崚太越境事業部
    縄稚 崚太越境事業部






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    2. 会社からの返信を待つ
    3. 話す日程を決める
    4. 話を聞きに行く




    • 海外進出している/
    • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/

    1-4-9 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Theatre Jinnan Office Building, 6F