
Hooked on Serenity: A Global Journey through Culture, Cuisine, and the Art of Fishing"静寂に釣られて:文化、料理、そして釣りの芸術を通じた世界旅行"

Hello everyone! I'm Stella Chao, just a girl who adores the art of fishing. It's not just a pastime for me; it's my escape, my way to unwind, reflect, and connect with nature. In our whirlwind lives, it's easy to forget the need for moments of stillness. Yet, when I sit beside the water, line cast out, anticipation building, the outside world fades. The birds' serenade, the breeze's whisper, and the rhythmic dance of water against my line... It's my natural symphony, a soulful retreat from reality.

My life has been a journey through cultures and landscapes. I've been fortunate to call many places home, each with its unique rhythm. Living in fast-paced cities like Tokyo and Beijing taught me about speed, efficiency, and hard work. It wasn't until I moved to Montreal, Canada, where I discovered the concept of 'slow living'. This beautiful city, with its emphasis on quality of life, encouraged me to tune into my needs, to savor every moment, and to treasure tranquility. It was here, under the wide Canadian skies, that I fell head over heels for fishing.

Fishing, for me, is akin to unboxing a surprise gift. The thrill, the suspense, the heart-fluttering moment of unveiling the unknown. You never know what you'll catch, yet every fish brings its own unique joy and excitement. It's the unpredictability that truly makes fishing an adventure. My fondness for fishing goes beyond just the thrill of the catch. It's a portal to a healthier, more content me, a tether to the natural world, a space for introspection. My fishing journeys have taken me to many destinations, but two stand out: the St. Lawrence River and the Lachine Canal in Montreal.

The St. Lawrence River, a majestic waterway threading through North America, brims with diverse species like trout, salmon, and bass. It's a treasure trove of biodiversity, protected by strict regulations that ensure a balance between enjoyment and conservation.

The Lachine Canal, once a bustling trade artery, now thrives as an urban sanctuary. Amid the city's hustle and bustle, it offers a tranquil escape. Teeming with bass, salmon, and carp, it has become one of my favorite fishing havens. One memorable night, I met two Canadian boys by the canal, cheering excitedly because they had just caught a large eel. However, when he called his girlfriend to share the good news, only to be flatly rejected because the eel's shape reminded her of a snake, which terrified her. He turned to us, and then blurted out the word "unagi don" in broken Japanese. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard this. I explained to them that I'm not Japanese, but I'd lived in Japan and understood what he meant. He offered the eel to me, a gesture that sparked a chain of nostalgic memories.

My Japanese homestay grandmother was a gem of a woman who introduced me to the art of preparing traditional unagi don. So, with this unexpected gift, I decided to rekindle those flavors. I bought clams to make miso soup, called up a few friends, and created a delicious feast.

Creating unagi don is like composing a symphony, each step resonating with the essence of Japanese culinary craftsmanship. Grilling the marinated eel over charcoal till slightly charred and pairing it with steaming hot rice—the aroma alone was intoxicating. Watching my friends enjoy the meal, their faces glowing with satisfaction, was a moment of pure joy.
うなぎ丼を作ることは、シンフォニーを作曲するようなもので、各ステップが日本の料理技術の精髓を反映しています。漬け込んだウナギを木炭で焼き、それを蒸し立てのご飯と組み合わせる - その香りだけでも酔わせてくれます。友達がその料理を楽しむ姿を見て、満足そうな顔を見るのは、純粋な喜びでした。

That night of food, laughter, and shared stories became an indelible part of my fishing journey. Every time I fish at the La Chine Canal, every time I make unagi don at home, I am reminded of that warm night, that beautiful memory.

In conclusion, fishing, for me, is a multi-layered experience, a bridge connecting my present to my past, while also serving as a pathway towards a deeper understanding of life and nature. It's a hobby that respects and cherishes the environment, adhering to the rules of nature. As I share my stories and experiences, I hope to inspire you to forge your own connection with the natural world. After all, life is a grand adventure, and there's no better way to explore it than by casting a line into the waters of our beautiful planet.

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2 いいね!