田中 創一朗
後 智子
Tomoko is a distinguished business producer and project manager in the tech industry, known for her expertise in immersive technology. Graduating with distinction from the University of Sussex in Communication and Media Studies (MA), and summa cum laude from Akita International University in Transnational Studies (BA), she brings a wealth of knowledge in global media and intercultural communications. Alongside her tech career, Tomoko is an award-winning filmmaker, recognized for her impactful short documentaries. In her current role at GeekOut, she takes on the challenge of producing unique Roblox experiences, aiming to popularize Roblox in Japan and Asia, and establish it as a groundbreaking social and media platform. Leveraging her multilingual skills in Japanese, English, French, and Chinese, she navigates diverse international projects effectively. Her dedication to leveraging media and technology for social change marks her as a dynamic force in the tech sector.
新井 一慶
Haruka Ito
現在株式会社ambrにて一人目の専任としてPRチームの立ち上げとともに戦略設計からPR業務全般担当。 プレスリリースの執筆、オウンドメディア管理、SNS運用、競合調査や動画編集など。 【これまで】 大学で音楽を専攻し卒業後音楽活動・バーテンダー・写真作家の3軸で活動した後、夢だった海外での生活や語学力を高めたい一心でアイルランドでのワーホリを経験。 2021年〜エンジニアエージェントにてIT業界で活躍するフリーランスのキャリア構築のお手伝いをしながら、Wantedly担当として広報業務も担当。