
What I’ve Learned from My Students


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What I’ve Learned from My Students

Hi, I’m Marisa from TCK Workshop. I currently teach mostly elementary and middle school students English. I’ve been teaching for a few years now, and I think learning from students and from experience is something that I have done over the years that I find important.

Here are a few things I’ve learned:

  1. When I work with younger students with a specific goal in mind (e.g. pass a test, improve a grade), I sometimes get too caught up in striving for the end goal. My students remind me to have fun and let loose from time to time. For example, we’d chat about something that interests them, play a little game or doodle on the board. Although it may seem like wasting precious lesson time, I think it makes the lesson more enjoyable and hopefully, the student can develop positive associations with the subject too.
  2. I didn’t have any teaching experience prior to this job, so I was a bit worried if I could do the job well. When I started teaching, I began to see a different side of myself. I think of myself as more quiet/introverted, but when teaching, I would show a more extroverted side and lead students to their potential. (I think my students would be surprised to see me in my non-teaching state!)
  3. The subject matter is important but it’s also good to know more. For example, when reading an article, students are curious to know more about a topic, so they enjoy it when we discuss about something that was mentioned and take it further. When I have time before the lesson, I try to look up information about the article, but then again, younger students sometimes ask really random questions or other unanticipated questions. In these cases, I’d just say that I don’t know and look it up during the lesson.
  4. Lesson prep is important but don’t overdo it. When I first started out, I’d spend forever preparing for a lesson because there’s no limit to it. I never knew what was considered “enough” preparation. I think it gets better with time, as I become more familiar with a subject/material.

This isn’t an exhaustive list and there’s still a lot to learn, so I’ll try to update this list in the future.

Until next time!



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