ここでは、どんなチームで日々どんな業務をされているのでしょうか? 関東圏から熊本県内へ移住されたメンバーは新しい生活・仕事環境をどう感じているのか? など…
ー 熊本R&Dセンターはいつ立ち上げられたのですか?
当時、私は別の会社にいたんですが、転職先を探していたこともあり古巣のアステリアに復帰し、所長に就任することになりました。実はアステリアには、別の会社に転職後、またアステリアに戻ってくる ”出戻りメンバー” も何名かいるんですよ!
ー 現在は何人のメンバーが熊本R&Dセンターで働いているのですか?
開発担当が3名とサポート担当が3名、計6名で構成されています。主にアステリア製品の「ASTERIA Warp」や「Gravio」を対象に、製品に新しい機能を追加したりするなどの業務を行っていて、並行してテクノロジーを活かした社内のさまざまなプロジェクトを手掛けています。
サポートは、エンジニアリングとユーザーサポートを掛け合わせたような業務で、例えば「ASTERIA Warpとデータベースが上手くつながらない」といった問い合わせに対して、実際にサポートチームでデータベースを作ってつなげてみて、問題を調査するようなこともしています。
ー 本社メンバーとの関わりは多いのでしょうか?
ー 開発担当の3名は全員移住されたメンバーだと聞きました。熊本での新生活はいかがですか?
「快適」の一言ですね! 私はもともと千葉県に住んでいて、熊本への引っ越しの際には家族も来てくれたんですが「お父さんなんで都会に引っ越してるの!?」なんて言われました(笑)。自然がいっぱいで緑に溢れる熊本県ですが、オフィスがある花畑町、辛島町周辺は、県内では大都会に位置し、市役所やショッピングモール、飲み屋街があったりと、わりと賑やかな雰囲気なんですよ。
ー 熊本生活を楽しんでいらっしゃって何よりです! メンバー同士も仲が良い雰囲気だと伺っています。
ー なんて素敵な休日! 詳しくお話を聞かせていただき、ありがとうございました。
そんな熊本オフィスでは、いま一緒に働くエンジニアメンバーを募集しています! 興味のある方はぜひお気軽にエントリーしてみてくださいね。
[About Kumamoto R&D Center]
Kumamoto R&D Center is one of Asteria’s bases of operations outside the metropolis in Japan.
As many of you may remember, members from the center announced the official launch of the Chrono Coin project within the company at our All Staff Meeting held earlier this month. What are the team members like? What do their daily tasks entail? And how do the members who moved to Kumamoto find living and working there? Yoshio Nakayama, who heads the center, introduced us to his team and workplace.
Kumamoto R&D Center was established in the summer of 2020. Before its existence, the company’s domestic development base was only in Tokyo. The development team’s intention to decentralize their base in terms of the company’s Business Continuity Plan and Hirano-san’s desire to do business of some kind again in Kumamoto led to the establishment of a development and support base there, according to Nakayama-san. It was a total coincidence for Nakayama-san, who had left Asteria years earlier but was at that time seeking a new job. He returned to the company again to become the head of Kumamoto R&D Center.
Currently, the center consists of 6 members: three for development and another three for support. The development team takes charge of adding new functions mainly to Warp and Gravio as well as working on unique projects like Chrono Coin. The support team is responsible for a task combining engineering and user support. For instance, when they receive an inquiry from a client who had a problem connecting Warp and a database, they will try to track down the cause by building a database and connecting it to Warp by themselves. The Kumamoto base works with Tokyo R&D Center and CTC, which is responsible for support.
All of the three developers relocated themselves to Kumamoto, and Nakayama-san is one of them. Before his move, Nakayama-san said he lived “amidst pear fields” in the Matsudo area of Chiba Prefecture. He feels that Kumamoto is a comfortable place to live in.
“My wife and daughter came to Kumamoto to help me move in, and my daughter told me jealously, ‘you will move into an urban area’,” he said with a laugh.
The office (the nearest station is Hanabata-cho or Karashima-cho) is located in a big city bustled with a city hall, a shopping mall and an area with many izakayas and bars reminiscent of Kabukicho in Tokyo. Local people are usually so friendly that he thinks that my circle of friends has expanded more so when I was in Tokyo.”
Many of the Kumamoto members seem to enjoy outdoor activities. According to Nakayama-san, the team had been climbing on three occasions (another one planned for November) -- with the full participation of the members.
The climbing club developed through support member Yabu-san’s love for mountains, Nakayama-san said. They usually choose mountains that require a 90-minute or 120-minute hike, like Mt. Kinpo and Mt. Eboshi.
“We go up the mountain in the morning. And then we eat lunch, take a dip in an onsen and leave the area,” said Nakayama-san. If any of Asteria members ever visit Kumamoto for “workation” and are interested in climbing with the team, Nakayama-san said “I’m happy to invite you.”