東京大学大学院 修士課程修了 / 工学系研究科 機械工学専攻(杉田研究室)
Machines | Best Student Paper Awards from IMECE 2021
アメリカ機械学会(The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME)主催の国際会議(International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE 2021)に参加. 修士課程の研究テーマを発表し,学生部門の最優秀論文賞に選出されました. ◯S. Tanaka, Y. Marukawa, T. Kizaki, S. Tsujimura, D. Noda, H. Kobayashi, N. Sugita, “Development of a Robust and Real-Time Thermal Deformation Prediction System for Machine Tool by Multi-Point Temperature Measurement,” The International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Virtual Conference, Technical Paper Publication: IMECE2021-71091, Nov. 2021.