
パンフォーユー初!海外からのインターン生にインタビュー:What the Students from the US Have Been Experiencing in YuaBread (PAN for YOU)?



James Furlong

A university senior student from Michigan, learning organizational communication and “leadership in organizations”. Currently joining YuaBread (“Pan for You” in Japan) as a short-term internship member.

Mike Liu

A university junior student from California, learning economics as his major, and Japanese as his minor. Also joining YuaBread as a short-term internship member.

As the very first interns from overseas, we welcomed James and Mike from the U.S.

I interviewed to find out how valuable it is for students from universities outside of Japan to join this program.

ーー How did you find out about PFY and what made you decide to join us?

Mike: It was a kind of a program back in my university. I wanted to come to Japan because I wanted to improve my Japanese and I wanted to experience Japanese work-culture. Startup companies are fast-paced and YuaBread has a good amount of employees.

James: Mine was also a school program. I wanted to be a part of an organization as I am learning organizational behavior and I also had an interest in Japanese culture. This company seemed like a good fit for me when I talked to Yano-san (the CEO of YuaBread) in the interview.

ーー Which project are you participating in and what are your roles/ tasks there?

Mike: We do a lot of stuff, but mainly we are trying to work on overseas expansion to North America. We’re trying to see if this kind of business model (the business model of YuaBread) would survive in a foreign environment.

One of the main things I’ve been doing is translating. I’ve been translating documents from Japanese to English.

James: Pretty much the same! We’re contacting supermarkets and researching the United States’ market.

ーー Have you had opportunities for growth through the internship?

James: We’ve been allowed to sit in many meetings with Yano-san, he also showed us a lot of documents like financial reports. So it has been good to learn how the company works.

Mike: I agree. The tasks themselves are a good learning experience. Even though we cannot understand many parts of the meetings (they are held in Japanese), being able to attend these meetings and seeing many other startups’ CEOs is very encouraging.

James: Yano-san speaks good English and he explains to us what happened (in the previous meeting) after each meeting.

ーー As an intern, I also feel that it is a great experience seeing the REAL business.

James and Mike: Yeah!

ーー How do you expect to make use of this experience after going back to the US?

Mike: In the future, I hope to do international business like working in an American company that also does business in Japan, and I want to get a chance to come back to Japan. So I think this internship definitely has been a great opportunity for me not only in the Japanese (language) part, but also to experience a little about the culture and see if I want to come back.

James: I’d like to run a business one day, so it has been really valuable to see how the business rounds in a small company and how different parts (of one organization) work together and separately in a company.

ーー What sort of experience will future interns have at this company?

Mike: It would be beneficial to know the working environment of Japanese companies.

James: How a smaller start-up organization works. And they would be able to see a cool and unique business model like “PFY Biz”, “Pansuku”, “YuaBread” itself, etc.

ーー Any additional comments?

Mike: Coming here, initially a lot of the foreign students may be shocked by differences in workplace-archies like how you treat superiors or co-workers. I was surprised at this culture at first. That is something that is very different and very interesting.

James: For future interns coming to this company, you may hear a lot about Japanese companies being very strict, dress-nized, and acting in certain ways, but this company is not that traditional and more like Western.

A few times I said a wrong thing (mistakenly used impolite Japanese phrases), Yano-san explained to me why it was impolite, but it is not the traditional Japanese (rigid hierarchical) way: everyone is relaxed here.


ジェームズ (James Furlong)


マイク (Mike Liu)



ーー パンフォーユーへのジョインを決めた経緯や、決め手を教えてください。



ーー 業務内容を教えてください。




ーー このインターンを通して、自身が成長できたと感じる点はありますか?




ーー 私もパンフォーユーのインターン生として生きたビジネスを間近で見る機会を得られていて、とても良い経験をさせていただいているなと感じます。


ーー 帰国後、パンフォーユーでの経験をどう生かしたいですか?



ーー これからパンフォーユーでインターンをする海外の学生は、どんな学びを得られると思いますか?

マイク: 日本企業の雰囲気を知ることができるので、ためになると思います。


ーー 最後に何かコメントがあればお願いします。


ジェームズ:将来この会社でインターンをする学生に伝えたいことがあります。 日本の会社は服装や態度などにとても厳しいと聞いたことがあると思いますが、パンフォーユーは伝統的な日本企業というよりはむしろ西洋っぽい雰囲気です。何度か日本語を間違えてしまった際には、なぜそれが失礼な表現なのかを矢野さんから教わりました。 礼儀についてはたまに注意されることがありますが、日本の伝統的な会社としてイメージしていた厳しさはなく、いつもみんなとてもリラックスした雰囲気で働いています。



