Kibidango has given me a lot more work experience in the field I’m interested in.(きびだんごは、興味を持っている分野での実務経験を増やしてくれた)【先輩インタビュー】
今回は、インターンとして活躍するJuliana Smith-Etienneさんにお話を伺いました。
Juliana Smith-Etienne(ジュリアナ・スミス・エティエンヌ)さん
・Linkedin 投稿
Please start by introducing yourself!(はじめに自己紹介をお願いします!)
Juliana:Hello! My name is Juliana, I’m 21 years old and I’m a university student from Texas!
Tell me a little bit about your decision to intern at Kibidango.
Juliana:I’ve always been interested in visiting Japan, but I wanted to take a trip that would be useful for my future career, so I joined an internship abroad program. After telling my program about the kind of work I wanted to do, they set up a meeting between me and Ryota. As a user of Kickstarter myself, working for a crowdfunding company sounded really fun and interesting, and I’m so glad Ryota gave me the opportunity to work with Kibidango!
What tasks were you responsible for?(具体的にどのような業務を任されていましたか?)
Juliana:During my time as an intern, I edited interviews into blogs, made LinkedIn posts, helped with re-writing parts of the website and created and edited slide decks.
What did you like most about the internship? And what are some things you found to be negative?(業務の中で、一番魅力に感じる部分と難しく感じる部分はそれぞれ何ですか?)
Juliana:I love writing, so getting to write blogs and edit the website and slide decks was a lot of fun for me! That’s the kind of work I want to do in the future, so doing it at Kibidango was a great way to become accustomed to writing for a business. My internship experience was very positive on the whole — the only negative, I’d say, is that my work hasn’t been able to be displayed on the website yet as we aren’t able to edit it ourselves. Though this situation isn’t Kibidango’s fault!
私のインターンシップの経験は、全体的に非常にポジティブなものでした。唯一マイナスだったのは、自分たちで編集できないため、私の作成したページがまだ Web サイトに表示されていないことです。ただ、この状況はきびだんごのせいではありません!
Did anyone you work with influence you?If so, how?(きびだんごのメンバーからは、どのような影響を受けましたか?)
Juliana:Honestly, everyone I met and talked with at Kibidango was incredibly welcoming and kind. It was really cool that everyone was so willing to listen to my thoughts and ideas, and they made me feel a lot more confident in my abilities. For instance, Mitsuru and Saki, two members of the buyer team, went through a slide deck with me and let me make edits and suggestions. Ryota and Gen also had me help them with several tasks and were super receptive to my ideas. Those interactions meant a lot to me as I got to learn from their work, but also add my own input. At some companies, interns are brushed aside, but that was definitely not the case at Kibidango.
What would you say Kibidango's strengths are? And how are we different and unique?(きびだんごの強みは何だと思いますか?)
Juliana:While working at Kibidango, I noticed that each employee seems genuinely interested in their work, and they all get along very well and are willing to collaborate with each other. I think that level of cohesiveness is both rare and valuable in a company. I also think that Kibidango is unique in that they engage with their clients and want to help them make their product the best it can be for the Japanese market. They really take the time to figure things out rather than just throwing the product into a market that it may not be optimized for.
As you return to your life at university, how do you plan to utilize the experiences you gained at 'Kibidango' for your future?(これから大学に戻っての生活が始まりますが、将来に向けてきびだんごで培った経験をどのように活かしていきたいですか?)
Juliana:Kibidango has given me a lot more work experience in the field I’m interested in, so I’m certain that will come in handy as I look for jobs back home. I’m also very grateful to have been given the chance to work in a place unfamiliar to me, as it has made me a more independent person capable of navigating new situations.
Do you have any messages for people who are interested in working at Kibidango?(きびだんごに興味をお持ちの方々へ向けてメッセージをお願いします。)
Juliana:Kibidango’s environment is a very supportive one that allows interns to grow and gain real experience. I think it would be a great place for anyone to work!