Hello! I'm Chihappy, the person in charge of developer relations.
I'll be doing it again this year, the 2021 New Graduate Interview!
So today, we're going to hear more about Rohit-san, who joined the Systems Department as a new graduate engineer in September 2020~!
ロヒートさんのプロフィール(Rohit san’s Profile)
インド出身。2020年にインド工科大学(IIT Mandi)を卒業し、GMOリサーチに新卒入社。
It is difficult to say about my favorite food because one of my hobbies is cooking and I like to cook many dishes. If you ask me to pick my go to food then that will be Eggs or Meat.
Least favourite food item is anything which is too unhealthy.
My hobbies include singing, playing instruments like Guitar and Piano.
I am also very interested in clicking pictures and shooting small videos.
I am a sports enthusiast and I love to play sports such as Basketball, badminton, soccer etc.
I like to keep myself in good health.
ロヒートさんの故郷について教えてください(About his hometown)
僕はインド北部のHimachal Pradesh(ヒマーチャル・プラデーシュ)州にあるKangra(カングラ)という町の出身です。
ちなみに、ヒマーチャル・プラデーシュ州は、ヒマラヤ山脈のすぐ近くにあるため “The Himalayas(ヒマラヤ山脈)”がその名前の由来になっています。
僕の故郷に住む人々は、"Pahadis "と呼ばれており、これは "people of the mountains(pahad) "の略で、彼らはとても大らかで親切です。
毎年、多くの観光客が私の故郷を訪れ、Dharamshala(ダラムシャーラー)、Kangra Fort(カングラ・フォート)、McLeodGanj(マクロード・ガンジー)、Triund Trek(トリウンドトレッキング)、Kareri lake(カレリ湖)などの有名な場所に行きます。
ヒマーチャル州には多くの方言がありますが、最も一般的な方言は "pahadi bhasha "と呼ばれるもので、直訳すると「山の言葉」となります。
My home country is India. It is a beautiful country in the South Asia region with three sides surrounded by water. In India, one can experience all weather types be it desert in Rajasthan to Snowy Mountains in the North.
My hometown is Kangra, situated in Northern India, in a state called ‘Himachal Pradesh’.
The state lies very close to the mountain range - “The Himalayas” and that is where the name is derived from.
My hometown is a mountainous region and is very clean and beautiful. People of my hometown are often called “Pahadis” as it stands for “people of the mountains(pahad)” and they are very generous and helpful people.
The weather remains pleasant throughout springs and summers. It rains a lot here on the mountain side just after the summers and then comes winter season. It becomes quite cold here and also many high altitude regions experience heavy snowfall.
A lot of tourists visit my hometown every year and they go to famous places like Dharamshala, Kangra Fort, McLeodGanj, Triund Trek, Kareri lake etc.
Himachal has many local dialects but the most common dialect is called “pahadi bhasha” which literally translates to “language of the mountains”. The dialect changes a lot with every variation in geographical pattern. I like our traditional meals, they are called “dhaam” and mainly consist of Rice as the main cereal topped with many varieties of pulses and curries.
If you ever visit India, I would suggest you visit Himachal.
生まれ育った故郷を離れるのはどんな気持ちですか?(How does it feel to leave your home country?)
I have not left the country yet but I guess I will feel a little homesick for sometime.
But also at the same time, I will be extremely excited to explore the new place I will be going to. I think it will be a fun experience coming to Japan.
どんな学生時代を過ごしたのか教えてください(About her school days)
In my school days I was a very diligent student. I was good in academics and sports and other co-curricular activities. I participated in events such as Debate Competition, Singing Competition, Dance and Drama.
I also anchored on annual school days and gave welcome speeches on Occasions such as Independence Day, Republic Day etc.
Also I played a lot of sports for the school. I was captain of the Basketball Team in my HIgh School. I was passionate about becoming the best in whatever I do.
どうして就職先に日本を選んだのですか?(Why did you decide to work in Japan?)
Given this opportunity to work in Japan, I did ask myself this very same question. I think I have a liking towards Japan basically coming from the Cultural Values and ethics that Japan as a country offers. I really admire Japan’s integrity as a nation. Moreover I am also interested in the company that came to hire me (GMOR). So I decided that I should go to Japan for work.
日本に来たらどんなことがしてみたいですか?(What he wants to do in Japan)
Other than my professional work, I want to travel, eat Japanese food and make new friends.
I also want to do a trek to Mt. Fuji.
Career wise I would like to expand my knowledge to best meet the situations and overcome problems by finding the best solution with the help of the knowledge gained.
会社を選ぶときの基準を教えてください(What is important to him in choosing a company)
Good environment, friendly colleagues, good balance between work and holidays, decent paycheck.
どうやってGMOリサーチを知りましたか?(How did he know GMO Research?)
GMOリサーチが大学(IIT Mandi)にリクルートに来て知り、会社の掲げるミッションや今後の展望に感銘を受けました。
GMOR came to my college(IIT Mandi) for recruitment. I enrolled for the recruitment process and then cleared my way through all the interviews. I was impressed by the outlook of the company. Also CTO, Ando-san, is a very cool person and I was impressed by his experience at the company and working culture.
今後どのように成長していきたいですか?(How do you want to grow in the future?)
As a GMO Research member, I would like to gain knowledge and learn new skills and use them to tackle tough challenges and create new ways for the company to grow.
I am really interested in developing and contributing to the company’s growth.
Other than that my life goals include becoming the best in my work, being a good human and help those who are in need and enjoy the life experiences.
最後になにかひとことお願いします!(One last thing,please)
In my free time I play guitar and sing a lot. It is very soothing and helps me feel more relaxed.
I also love to watch anime (mainly sports and action related, sometimes slice of life).