
Journey across the borders of Japan: Through Dooox English ✨

【What is Dooox English?】

Dooox English is the practice to learn English speaking through casual and fun conversation. It is not very strict, and there are no exams, but learning English in an enjoyable way

Dooox Englishとはなにか

【Why Dooox English?】

The main goal for Dooox in 2027 is to expand overseas and conduct business with various countries. In order to go international, people in the office need to be familiar with English. Currently, only a few individuals in the office are able to communicate effectively in English. Therefore we aim to create an environment where they can regularly use and become comfortable with English, which is why we have come up with this new curriculum of “Dooox English”. Learning a language can be challenging, and sometimes it is even associated with past traumas, struggle and stress. We want to encourage the members to learn English voluntarily, and not by forcing them to learn, but also to learn in a fun way that will keep them motivated. Some people like reading books, others like watching movies and documentaries, and some others like listening to music. People can learn English by incorporating their own interests, so that they do not get bored of learning.

なぜDooox Englishなのか
2027年のDoooxの主な目標は、海外展開を行い、様々な国とビジネスを行うことです。国際展開をするためには、オフィスのメンバーが英語に精通している必要があります。現在、オフィスでは英語でコミュニケーションできる人はほとんどいません。そのため、彼らが英語を定期的に使用し、英語の雰囲気に慣れることができるようにしたいと考え、新しいカリキュラム「Dooox English」を開発しました。言語の学習は非常に難しく、時には過去のトラウマや苦労、ストレスとも関連することもあります。そのため、私たちはメンバーに英語を自発的に学ぶことを奨励したいと考えています。彼らに学ぶことを強制するのではなく、楽しみながら学ぶことでモチベーションを保つことも重要です。本を読むことが好きな人もいれば、映画やドキュメンタリーを観ることが好きな人もいます。また、音楽を聴くことが好きな人もいます。人々は自分の興味に基づいて英語を学ぶことができるため、学習に飽きることがありません。

【How is Dooox English being conducted?】

We had some discussions about Dooox English and how we will set the curriculum. We started off first by getting to know the English level of the office members using simple free talk and asking some basic questions. Then we divided the members into groups according to their English levels. The sessions are held with the office members, sometimes one-on-one, sometimes in pairs, almost twice every week. We learn and review some vocabularies, and have casual conversations based on the topic decided for them. After each session, we ask them for feedback regarding the session. The topics for the sessions are quite simple and easy to talk about, for example, “Hobbies”, “Sports”, “Food”, and such, and the members are comfortable to share their thoughts and ideas. The office is relatively new, and all members are familiar and comfortable with each other, which makes it easier for them to converse in English as well. Once they get used to speaking and interacting, we hope to upgrade the topics and make them one step higher, depending on their speaking abilities.

どのようにDooox Englishは行われているのか
Dooox Englishのカリキュラムを設定するにあたって、いくつかの座組を行いました。まず、オフィスのメンバーの英語レベルを簡単なフリートークや基本的な質問を通じて把握して、その後、メンバーを英語レベルに基づいてグループに分けました。セッションはオフィスメンバーと行われ、1対1の場合もあれば、ペアでの場合もあり、其々週に2回行われます。いくつかの語彙を学習し、復習をし、トピックに基づいてカジュアルな会話をします。各セッションの後には、フィードバックを求めます。セッションのトピックは非常にシンプルで話しやすいもので、「趣味」「スポーツ」「食べ物」といったものがあり、メンバーは自分の考えやアイデアを気軽に共有することができます。オフィスは比較的新しく、すべてのメンバーが互いに馴染み、コミュニケーションが取りやすい環境です。話すことやコミュニケーションが慣れてくると、話す能力に応じてトピックをアップグレードし、一歩進んだ内容にしていきたいと考えています。

【What kind of activities are being done?】

We have a group on SNS that connects all office members where we post business-English words and phrases regularly. We also post everyday-English words and phrases and encourage the members to use these words in sentences. Furthermore, the office members are encouraged to share any new vocabulary that they learnt during their sessions, or during their day, or while having a conversation with other members.


【What does everyone think of Dooox English?】

  1. We can feel a type of worldview and atmosphere that has not been felt before within the company.
  2. It is becoming a good opportunity for our company towards the aim to go global.
  3. There were worries and concerns at first, but gradually we gained confidence and felt that we are “Do”ing well!
Dooox Englishをどう思うのか
10 いいね!
10 いいね!


