
Weathering the Storm 凪を求めて


Summer 2024...beneath the perfectly blue sky of Okinawa, a typhoon looms on the horizon, threatening to wreak havoc on my meticulously planned one-day vacation to the nearby paradise of Zamami Island. As I gaze out at the churning sea, my mind drifts to the journey that brought me here. It's been two whirlwind years since HerLifeLab came into existence, a milestone that feels both momentous and surreal.
The transition from being a full-time researcher, comfortably ensconced in the world of academia, to a full-time business person (with business skills still very much a work in progress) has been nothing short of an incredible career metamorphosis. This shift has presented a myriad of challenges, pushing me far beyond my comfort zone, but it has also unveiled a world of opportunities and advantages I never imagined possible.
One of the most rewarding aspects of establishing HerLifeLab has been the privilege of crossing paths with truly remarkable individuals from diverse walks of life. These generous souls have willingly sacrificed their time, sharing their invaluable knowledge and expertise, enriching our mission in ways I couldn't have foreseen.
Reflecting on my past self, I recall the career-driven, high-performing individual I once was – a person who viewed every second as a precious commodity not to be wasted. I lived and breathed my work, pushing myself relentlessly until one day, quite suddenly, I found I couldn't push any further. At 43, I hit a wall – exhausted, disillusioned, and plagued by profound doubts about my health, career, and the very direction of my life.
During this dark period, I struggled to perform even the most basic aspects of my job. I was engulfed by a pervasive fatigue that left me feeling as though I was destined to spend the remainder of my days on the sofa, perpetually sleepy and drained. It was a frightening and isolating experience, one that made me question everything I thought I knew about myself.
Yet, amid this personal crisis, a spark of fury ignited within me. I became increasingly aware of and incensed by the glaring inadequacies in how science and healthcare address the needs of women navigating this challenging phase of bodily transformation. This realization spurred me into action.
I began interviewing women about their experiences during this transitional period, and what I uncovered was both eye-opening and deeply troubling. The stories I heard revealed the horrific consequences that women, particularly in Asia, are suffering due to a perfect storm of issues: poor education among medical professionals, the absence of specialized care, societal stigma surrounding women's health issues, and a general lack of awareness about the complexities of menopause and perimenopause.
These revelations became the catalyst for HerLifeLab. I realized that there was a critical need for a platform that could bridge the gap between cutting-edge medical research and practical, accessible healthcare for women. Our mission became clear: to revolutionize women's healthcare, particularly for those navigating the often turbulent waters of menopause and beyond.
As I stand here now, watching the approaching typhoon, I'm struck by the parallels between nature's unpredictable forces and the journey of a woman's life. Both can be turbulent, unpredictable, and at times overwhelming. But with the right support, knowledge, and care, we can weather any storm. This is the essence of what HerLifeLab strives to provide – a beacon of hope and support for women everywhere, guiding them through the challenges of aging with dignity, understanding, and empowerment.


私が住んでいる沖縄は現在青空で気持ちが良いです。週末にかけて台風が近づいているので、残念ながら座間味島への小旅行はキャンセル😅 でも、創業してからの2年間の私たちの旅を振り返るいい機会になりました。

2年前まで、私は大学で研究をしていた"堅い人間" でした。



昔の私は、時間に追われる workaholic でした。仕事に没頭し、自分を容赦なく追い込んでいましたが、43歳の時、私は壁にぶつかりました。自分の健康、キャリア、そして人生の方向性そのものについて悩まされていました。








世界中の女性たちの希望になりたい。そんな熱い想いを持った仲間を探しています。私たちと一緒に、女性のヘルスケアを変えていきませんか? - 世界中の女性たちのための希望とサポートの灯台となり、尊厳、理解、エンパワーメントを持って加齢の課題を乗り越える道を導くことを目指しています。



患者一人ひとりに寄り添い、自分に合った治療を受けられる「更年期オンライン診療サービス Vivalle (ビバエル)」を提供しています。


1 いいね!
1 いいね!

