The Smappa!Group aims to create a unique culture in Kabukicho and bring new value to the concept of "night" through social, business, and event activities that span the inside and outside of this town.
~Some of our notable activities
The host trash pickup volunteer group "Yotori no Kai (2005-)", the letter posting site "Laugh Letter (2007)", the sommelier certification system for employees (2010-), Omotesando PASS THE BATON "Beyond the Border: The World of Kabukicho Host Clubs (2015)", Kabukicho Live Net Streaming "TOCACOCAN (2016)", the bookstore where hosts serve customers "Kabukicho Book Center (2017-)", Chim↑Pom×Smappa! Group "Ningen Restaurant (2018)", "Kabukicho BONODORI (2019)", "Opera Culture at a Host Club THE LEGEND Love Concert (2019)", "Kabukicho Flea Market" (2020), "Kabukicho Cho Festival" (2021, 2022), "Touto Tarari Tarari Tarari Agari Tarari Tarari" (2022), and more.
~Some of our works and publications
"It's Too Early to Give Up on Yourself" (2009, Discover Twenty-One), "Uraku Yomiuri" (2019, HuffPost Books), "Host Manyoshu" (2020, Tanka Kenkyusha), "Host Manyoshu, Vol. 2" (2020, Tanka Kenkyusha), and "Shinjuku, Kabukicho" (2020, Gentosha).