
PhD student at the University of Toronto expecting to graduate this fall, analyzing collision data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Worked in a collaboration with 3000 scientists and published led 3 paper publications. Interested in informing data-driven decision-making for companies and clients.



I want to use ML and AI ethically to better the lives of people around the world. I also hope to be start a family and raise children who will also change the world.


Researcher 現在

- 現在

Led efforts in a team of 10 to improve data quality and increased the expected statistical significance from 99.4% to over 99.9999999% (4σ to 6.5σ), vastly outperforming the goal of 5σ set by the collaboration

University of Toronto / トロント大学7年間

PhD in Physics



  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • 中国語 - ネイティブレベル
