Freelance / AI/ML Engineer
http://www.linkedin.com/in/tetsuya https://kitasan.io/self.pdf https://kitasan.io/sns.pdf https://kitasan-cv.hf.space/
I am open to network communications with all professionals across and over various disciplines as it is my strong belief that we are all citizens of the world and we can all learn/gain from each other in a mutually beneficial manner. Every new person met has the potential to be a true "MASTER MIND", you will only discover this by getting out and interacting!
AI/ML(特に生成AI/Generative AI)を駆使したチャットボットの開発や、占星術のボット、(仮想通貨)トレーディングボット、画像処理、音声処理、ツール等の開発。 Gradient / Paperspace, AWS, GCP, Colab 等 (LLM) フロントエンド/サーバサイドエンジニア/フルスタックエンジニア、フリーランス
Champasak Province, Laos P.D.R.
Human Resources Capitalist (Invested to over 1800 people, with 16 BTC ( equivalent to 1M USD as of Mar. 2021) ) Venture capitalist in Southeast Asia.
北畠 徹也さん
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