LINE Beacon is the solution to the customers who want to customize their bot to interact with users in specific contexts.
I have been participating the LINE Beacon project as a product manager from the very start of project, and planned the overall product's specification including UI/UX and technical requirement.
As for now, I have been contributing to the project mainly by supporting the sales team from technical point of view, and planning the improvement of the product.
Messaging API is the API platform the LINE provides to enterprises and developers, which enables them develop two-way communication between their service and LINE users.
My main role as product manager is to define the requirement of enterprise partners / developers, translate it to the technical specification, and manage the development progress by cooperating with developers and also sometimes with designers.
Tappiness, available at Kirin Beverage’s vending machines, is a unique communication service tied up with LINE. Consumers can gain the drink points by purchasing drinks while connecting the LINE app and vending machine via bluetooth. Customers can also purhcase drinks by using LINE's payment service LINE pay.
As a product manager of Tappiness project, I have closely communicated with many external stakeholders (Kirin Beverage, veniding machine vendor, beacon device vender, digital agencies etc ), and planned the core UX and technical specification of the product.
Messaging API is the API platform the LINE provides to enterprises and developers, which enables them develop two-way communication between their service and LINE users.
My main role as product manager is to define the requirement of enterprise partners / developers, translate it to the technical specification, and manage the development progress by cooperating with developers and also sometimes with designers.