Hiko-Mizuno College of Jewelry / 秘書室
Homegrown food and technology target global audience
Showcasing the latest and the greatest in supermarket and food and beverage products, packaging, displays and fixtures, the 52nd Supermarket Trade Show 201
Writers’ House MU / 代表
英日両言語で取材執筆のライター集団Writers’ House MU代表。ジャパンタイムズ等に執筆。翻訳、通訳、企業の海外、日本進出アドバイザー。主に地方創生、SDGs、グリーンファイナンス、ESG等をカバー。共著「進化する里山資本主義」釣り、多拠点居住、真珠
Hiko-Mizuno College of Jewelry / 秘書室
Showcasing the latest and the greatest in supermarket and food and beverage products, packaging, displays and fixtures, the 52nd Supermarket Trade Show 201