盡L咗力 (Drama)
Worked as Stage Manager & Technical Support which provides production management, stage lighting, audio & video for Drama "Tried L best" of Hula Hoop Hamlets
Finished Stretching Instructor Course (SI10336), Myofascial Release Series Level 1(MR11607) & Being Stretching Volunteer of Sports Activities
My Bachelor Graduate Project, as one of team member, specify preparing AR code production development.
Special Events: 2012.12.31-2013.1.1 countdown 2012.7.1 HKSAR 15th Anniversary Celebration 2011.12.31-2012.1.1 countdown
Worked as Assistant Stage Manager for Design Graduation Show "2012" of Hong Kong Design Institute & Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee)
My Higher Diploma Final Year Project, as an audio operator for surround sound system.
Worked as Assistant Stage Manager for Design Graduation Show "Illusions of Imagination" of Hong Kong Design Institute & Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee)
Liz Wongさん
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Liz Wongさんのプロフィールをすべて見る
Worked as Stage Manager & Technical Support which provides production management, stage lighting, audio & video for Drama "Tried L best" of Hula Hoop Hamlets