
Khin Yee Wong

Credence Group / Personal Assistant

I am a graduate of the University of Western Australia with a Bachelors' of Commerce - Management. I am currently a Wealth Management Associate for Credence Group. I have past experiences allowing me to communicate with different people, run different projects, and offering solutions to companies during my school and work days. Furthermore, I have experiences within and outside of Singapore dealin



I wish to someday lead a team of people and to pass down my skills and knowledge to others. I am very people-oriented and a coach as stated in what I do in my resume, I love being able to educate others to be efficient and effective as I am when it comes to completing tasks. I wish to be financially sound and to support the ones I love wh

Credence Groupの会社情報

Credence Group2年間

Personal Assistant(副業)現在

- 現在

 Filling claim forms for clients  Updating & analyzing Sales Production Summary Progress Report of individuals of FCG team  Filing & sorting documents relating to the FCG team  Completing presentation decks of financial sources & training documents

Wealth Management Associate現在

 Building financial portfolios and conducting portfolio reviews for clients  Seeking clientele base through markets such as roadshows and social media  Selling wealth accumulation and wealth preservation products from Great Eastern to clients


Assistant Program Coordinator & Global Virtual Team Senior Coach


 Managed a team of coaches to guide virtual teams devising business plans for companies globally  Reviewed and scored international team reports and presentations  Hosted Webinars and Podcasts virtually  Participated in the AIB-SE Conference virtually

The University of Western Australia3年間

Bachelor of Commerce - Management


 Have done organizational studies, organizational psychology, business accelerator programs, and entrepreneurship programs  Major: Commerce, Management  Other studies: Marketing & Psychology

WA Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies5ヶ月

Marketing Intern


 Develop other ways to improve marketing work and communication within the company  Conducted interview and research with the Head of Marketing to improve their marketing tactics  Develop creative ads on Canva to promote events through advertisements on social media

Martial House3年間

Martial Arts Instructor(副業)


 Coordinated manpower during events & performances ensuring schedule adherence  Provided weekly feedback sessions on classes to all students and head coach to ensure constant

Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)4年間

Diploma in Business Management


 Participated in activities such as orientation which allowed me to speak with different people and offer suggestions to future students  Did martial arts as a CCA and became treasurer for the CCA, also competed in competitions on behalf of the school and Singapore

Mediterranean Shipping Co.3ヶ月

Logistics Intern


• Tracked shipping routes to ensure 100% of deliveries are accounted for • Updated & calculated revenue & expenses cost; maintenance & repair, etc. • Maintained and estimated inventory of containers for future projections of rental to various countries


  • Management

  • Highly motivated to learn

  • Writing

  • Analysis

  • Team building

  • Communication skills、Microsoft Office




  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • 中国語 - ネイティブレベル
