University of Tuebingen / Quantitative Data Science Methods
Universität Tübingen QDS MSc | PwC Aarata | Akita Uni 数理科学'19卒 | UEC DEP 1期 |トビタテ4期 | 理論と実際を行ったり来たり
● Presented a marketing strategy to the executives of All Nippon Airways ● Conducted qualitative data analytics to segment the customers and their needs
● Supported local businesses by providing solutions based on data analysis ● Analyzed clients’ quantitative data using tools R and Google Analytics
The Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Study Abroad Program is a Japanese public-private partnership aimed at helping Japanese students study abroad. It was launched in 2014. The program plans to send approximately 10,000 high school and university students overseas throughout its seven years through to 2020. The desired result is for the students and supporting companies to form a globalized human resources development community and for the students to develop into globally minded professionals needed by society, especially industry, and who can succeed in a global world.
● Processed large amounts of data belonging to a large software company ● Assessed the IT systems’ interfacing related to financial reporting
● Won the Vice President Award in FY 2018 ● Worked at an English language learning institution in Akita University ● Organized international events & helped students improve their ability
● Completed one year Data Science graduate program ● Learned Data Science, Data Engineering, and Data Entrepreneurship that can create data-driven businesses decisions
● Wrote BSc thesis “Tsirelson’s bound and Bell’s inequality in quantum systems” ● Investigated the basic mathematical structure of quantum mechanics and the mechanism of quantum computing ● Studied pure & applied math, theoretical physics, and computer science
● Honored for outstanding performance in class and excellent grades ● Studied Data Analytics in R, Java, SQL, and Statistics
● Worked in a SQL database management project ● Standardized the data structure to optimize the employees’ lists
University of Tuebingen / Quantitative Data Science Methods