some artwork I do for example.
none / realistic drawing
hi, my name is Leandro Rafael, I'm 21 years old. I work with traditional art, drawings in general, using watercolor and graphite pencil. I have some Knowledge about digital paiting as well.
some artwork I do for example.
my goal is to work in Japan, which is a country I've always been very interested to live. looking forward to be able to live in this country working on something that satisfy myself and grow up along the journey as a human being, in all aspects of life.
I've never worked before, looking for my first job in the art industry with the best I can offer.
Leandro Rafael Diasさん
Wantedlyユーザー もしくは つながりユーザーのみ閲覧できる項目があります
Leandro Rafael Diasさんのプロフィールをすべて見る
some artwork I do for example.