Courses include: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Industrial Economics (Strategy, Planning, Markets), Financial Economics, Behavioural Economics, Public Economics. Specialised in Behavioural Economics in Research Project examining the effects of working hours on subjective well-being.
Following a successful year as Social Secretary of Warwick Surf, I was elected to President of the club. As President, I was responsible for the entire club and its activities. Alongside managing the executive committee and communicating with the Student Union, I was also responsible for organising and advertising the club’s surf trips, hosting an average of 35 people per trip.
I was elected as one of two Social Secretaries for Warwick Surf Club for my second year of University. As a Social Secretary, it was my responsibility to organise, advertise, and host all of the club’s social events during the year, with at least one social per week. Furthermore, it was also my responsibility to help recruit new members at the beginning of the year. My success in this role contributed to my election as President for the following year.
Jack Bowdenさん
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