- 現在
システム情報工学研究科 知能機能システム専攻
- William Confer, William Roberts: Exploring SE for Android, Packt Publishing. (監修)
- Hiromu Yakura, et al.: Malware Analysis of Imaged Binary Samples by Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism, In Proceedings of 10th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security (AISec 2017) - Poster, pp.55-56.
- Riku Arakawa and Hiromu Yakura (equal contribution): REsCUE: A framework for REal-time feedback on behavioral CUEs using multimodal anomaly detection, In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), No. 572.
- Hiromu Yakura, Tomoyasu Nakano and Masataka Goto: FocusMusicRecommender: A System for Recommending Music to Listen to While Working, In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Intelligent Interfaces Community (IUI 2018), pp.7-18.
- Hiromu Yakura, et al.: Malware Analysis of Imaged Binary Samples by Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism, In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018), pp.127-134.