Heriot-Watt University / Master of Business Administration (MBA)
George&Company,Inc. / 代表取締役
Highly motivated, experienced HR & recruitment consultant with MBA in Tokyo Japan. Currently recruiting exclusively with professional and executive candidates. And also managing HR Div,Customer Support, Sales Div at VISITS Inc. Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss the recruitment market, keep in touch, new career opportunities, referrals or just to catch up.
Organisational Behaviour,Economics,Accounting,Negotiation,Marketing, Consumer Behaviour,Finance,Project Management,Strategic Planning ・Web https://www.hw.ac.uk/study/uk/postgraduate/master-business-administration.htm
■日大経商法落語研究会 https://twitter.com/nu_ochiken ■辻ゼミ:発展途上国経済 http://www.eco.nihon-u.ac.jp/eco_kyouin/tsuji/
Heriot-Watt University / Master of Business Administration (MBA)