こんにちは!株式会社インフラッグ 採用・広報担当です。
Q.自己紹介をお願いします Please introduce yourself
My name is Atreya, I am from New Zealand and I love food!
Q.入社を決めたきっかけは? What made you decide to join the company?
This company was a prime choice while I was searching for a teaching position, as it was very close to my home so I would not lose much of my time travelling to and from work. Once I went into the interview with the school director, I found him to be a very honest and passionate about his work, that made me sign on into this company.
Q.お仕事を進めるなかで、うれしかったことは? What makes you happy while working?
Jobs are difficult at times for everyone and that is very true in the field of education. With saying this, watching my students learn, grow and try things that are out of their comfort zones and flourish makes it all worthwhile.
Q.お仕事で大変なところは? Do you have any concerns about the work?
This job is secure and supplies you with what you need, like everywhere else it is your own aptitude that determines your growth and position in a company. So far no concerns have risen that cannot be spoken about with management to be sorted out.
Q.日本で働くにあたり、不安や大変だったエピソードをぜひ聞かせてください Please tell us about your story where you were uneasy or found it difficult to go through to keep working in Japan
Japan's work culture is different to New Zealand, the notion of taking time off for the rest or vacation other than the national holidays is rare. Though this company is understanding and I am able to take P.T.O. to attend my family event when needed.
Q.日本での生活はどうですか? How is living in Japan?
I think Japan is not for the faint of heart, there are many things different to western countries, once you understand this and adapt you find out all the great benefits of Japan, though you have to go through and gain this through experience as just reading about it will never be enough.
Q.今後の目標や目指すところは? What are your future goals?
My future goals are to become a trainer in my company for new and current teachers. I want to make it easy to give the best lessons so that our students can truly benefit and have a bright future.
Q.最後に、この記事を読んでいる方にメッセージをお願いします! Finally, please give a message to the people reading this article!
To anyone reading, have fun in life and try to do things that are new. We don't get many chances and we regret the ones we've missed. It's always better to try and fail as you learn through mistakes rather than not to have tried at all.