

GATE Energy is a family of companies that provide scalable, fit-for-purpose services for the energy sector including engineering, commissioning and specialty field services. Founded in 2000, GATE Energy focuses on the provision of world-class engineering and field services concentrated on the oil and gas industry. As GATE Energy, has grown and evolved, we have developed our reputation as a company that provides realistic and achievable solutions to complex tasks and challenges found onshore and offshore. Since 2000, we have expanded to 200+ technical staff and contractors with employees located in-house with major operators, as well as in our Houston and other Texas locations and Louisiana location.


In contrast to other consulting and service firms, GATE Energy's philosophy is based on taking the operators' perspectives to a problem and not limiting ourselves to a specific discipline. This results in solutions that transcend discipline boundaries and provide fit-for-purpose answers to real operating challenges.


GATE ENERGY PTE LTD. provides equal opportunity. We are the family of engineering companies. We understand that every project brings a new suite of challenges throughout its life cycle. By considering the "big picture", we are able to provide the best solution for that specific project or problem. We work hard to make projects work right because we want our clients to succeed.