

EngageRocket Xmas Gathering
The EngageRocket Team
EngageRocket was founded by CheeTung Leong and Dorothy Yiu in 2016. Before founding the company from 2011 to early 2016, they led the Southeast Asia division of a global research & consulting company as Regional Director and Head of Operations respectively. EngageRocket is a cloud-based software that helps leaders and organisations make better people decisions using real-time data.


At EngageRocket, we are passionate about building great workplaces with people analytics! We spend >70% of our waking lives at work, yet the instincts we have built about work have been largely negative (search for 'bad boss jokes' on Google and you'll get >1.2M hits). By analysing data from employee feedback, we help provide managers and leaders guideposts for making better people decisions. We want to help employees belong, grow and perform together with the companies. Making 70% of your lives better.


GROW Module
Through cultural change, organisational transformation, mergers & acquisitions, companies use EngageRocket as a single source of truth to monitor and improve employee engagement & productivity.