Hello everyone! My name is Gary and I am a writer from the U.K., now living in Kawachinagano, Osaka Prefecture. I am lucky to have been given the unique opportunity to go behind the scenes here at Nanten-en. Not only will I get to learn about the day to day running of a traditional Japanese Inn, but also the etiquette and traditions that are so important when working in a historical place such as this. I hope to write about the things that I learn about Japanese Culture as well as the history of this magnificent building. I also hope to bring you tales about the many interesting events, places and people of Amami and Kawachinagano as a whole. I look forward to speaking with you all! Gary
あまみ温泉南天苑(株式会社南天苑)は大阪難波から南海高野線急行で40分、天見駅下車徒歩1分という好アクセスながら、四方を山に囲まれた自然豊かな里山の渓流沿いに建つ一軒宿の温泉旅館です。本館棟は東京駅や日本銀行本店など明治大正時代を代表する名建築を数多く残した建築家・辰野金吾氏による設計で、とりわけ氏が設計し現存する和風建築は国内三軒しかなく当館はそのうちの希少な一軒です。 3千坪の敷地に回遊式日本庭園を設え、四季の日本料理と天然温泉で国内外を問わずお客様に楽しんでいただいています。