
【社員インタビュー#7】カンボジア人 ITエンジニアインタビュー Interview #7 with our Cambodian IT engineers


Hello! As the fifth interview with a Cambodian IT engineer, we would like to present an interview with Mr. Phanith of our infrastructure team.

名前:ヘン ファニス
学歴:プノンペン ビルドブライト大学でコンピューターサイエンスとエンジニアリングの学士号を取得
特技: 適応性、成長の考え方、協力的、信頼できる
趣味 : ワークアウト、お気に入りのシリーズを観たり、YubeTubeの技術的なものを読みます。

Name: Heng Phanith
Nickname: Phanith
Date of Birth: May 1, 1986
Education background: Bachelor Degree of Computer Science and Engineering at Build Bright University in Phnom Penh
Special skill: Adaptability,Growth mindset,Cooperative,Trustworthy
Hobbies: Workout, watch some favorite series or movie, reading YubeTube technical stuff.
Favorite foods: I like buffet, bbq and sea food.
How to spend the holidays: I'd like to travel outside of the town to get fresh air and see natural landscape at resort or island.
What is your favorite word: Learn from the mistakes of others

【コッコン島での休日】I am on holiday at Koh Rong Island.


はじめに、英語が必要不可欠なスキルだと思います。ドキュメント、ビデオ、リサーチ、チュートリアルのほとんどは英語で書かれています。また、 私はエンジニアになるために、プノンペンの大学でいくつかのコンピューターコース(ネットワーキングとプログラミング)とコンピューターサイエンスを学び、インターネットとユーチューブのさまざまな技術的なトピックスを読みました。

‐ What skills do you think you need to become an IT engineer? At first, English is an essential skill since most of the document, video, research, and tutorials are written in English. I've studied some computer courses (networking and programming) and computer science at university in Phnom Penh and read varies technical topic on the Internet and Youtube.


-Is the profession of IT engineer popular in Cambodia? Also,what kind of engineer is required in Cambodia? Cambodia is one of developing countries in Southeast Asia. With its steady economics growth, the requirement of IT engineer is an essential resource for both public and private sector to solving various issues and improve the operation of business.An engineer, is high technical, professional and ethical standards, and have ability to solve complex problems that benefits people around. As an engineer, we get the opportunity to improve our career, gain elevated degree of trust with high earning potential of income, and be respected by the public and improve our standard living.

【システムエンジニア達へのインタビューの様子】Interviews with system engineers.

ITエンジニアは尊敬されている職業です。 スキルを更新し、新しいテクノロジーを活用するさまざまなプロジェクトに取り組むための成長の機会を得ることができます。自己啓発の精神を醸成し、問題を解決するために創造的、論理的、批判的思考をします。 この仕事は需要が高く給与も期待できます。

-What are the good things about an IT engineer's job? IT engineer is an respected profession. You'll get the growth opportunities for update skills and work on different projects that take advantages of new technologies. Growing your personal development and be creative, logical and critical thinking to solve the problems. This job is also in high demand with good salary expectation.


-What kind of work do you currently do at Dynamo? Currently I am a system engineer who study, develope and support of enterprise project to ensure that the system is working properly.


-Do you have a dynamo work that you want to study, improve your skills, or try new things? I am interested in learning how to design, manage, build software architecture of enterprise application.

自宅でのリモートワークの様子】I am working remotely from home.


-What do you think about working as a team at a Japanese company? While working at Dynamo company, I feel comfortable and paceful working with Japanese team member because they are friendly, helpful and share open minded. We share and discuss issues together to improve our productivity and knowledge.Teams share and discuss issues to improve productivity and knowledge. Teamwork is very important because we are in charge of the project and recognize that I cannot achieve it by ourselves. I think that the most important thing in work is to work together to share information and proceed with things. Here, information sharing is very smooth and I always feel the goodness of teamwork.



- What goals do you have in the near future? As working as system engineer for a year and a half, I've worked with a lot of tech stuff around enterprise project.These days, I still work and learn more to improve my skill and personal development for future growth.


ファニスさんのお話でもありましたが、Dynamo Techの業務では、みんなで協力し情報共有して物事を進めています。カンボジア人のチームに加わると、業務を推進しながらビジネス英会話を習得し、さらに磨きをかけられるチャンスがあります。


Thank you, Mr. Phanith.
As Mr. Phanith said, in the work of Dynamo Tech, we all work together to share information and proceed with things. Joining a Cambodian team gives you the opportunity to learn and improve your business English while promoting your work.
In addition, the total number of servers handled in all projects is more than 1,000, and the total traffic is well over 100 Gbps, so you can gain experience in projects of a scale that ordinary engineers cannot engage in. In addition, since there are multiple overseas development companies that have business alliances, there are a lot of chances to exchange the knowledge and experience with the oversea partner companies each other.
Next time, I will tell you about "a day for new employees".
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