

illumicell at Harvard Business School
illumicell at TechCrunch Top 200 in San Francisco
illumicell AI is a Techstars, Harvard Innovation Labs, and Creative Destruction Labs backed med-tech startup. illumicell combines a patented AI algorithm with proprietary hardware to decentralise sperm testing by bringing the power of a fertility lab to every doctor’s office. Illumicell can analyse sperm with 98% accuracy, 50x faster, 20x cheaper, without specialist input – compressing the power of a lab into a small, portable device. For fertility clinics, illumicell increases testing capacities and reduces costs. For doctors, it enhances patient care, ensures testing compliance, and opens up new revenue streams.


When people hear "fertility," they usually think about women. But...men contribute 50% to all fertility issues. We focus on the other part: we make sperm testing simple and available to all.


Our CTO at work
Our Machine Learning at work
Our product development is based in Switzerland, while business development is primarily in the United States and also targets Japan. We are dedicated to high performance and making things happen. Our motto is "There are no problems, only solutions."