
The importance of keeping Python minor versions consistent with the OS


My name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.
My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.
Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I should make a clear statement of my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.

This time, I would like to talk about the importance of Python minor version and OS consistency.

Python is easy to use, but there are a lot of bad libraries

Personally, I understand why Python is popular because it is easy to use, has good AI modules, and can be drawn quickly and easily, just like English.


・Some libraries for DB processing have security issues.
・Even if it seems easy to use, it may have bugs or
・Performance problems may occur.
It may look rough, but it is not tested.

Python can be beaten by middleware if the OS is chosen incorrectly.

Python processing is dependent on the OS and middleware.

・If you use Python on an appropriate OS, you will have terrible problems.
・Even if you use Pyenv and Pipenv for version control, you may be hit by middleware in non-Python Native areas.

Python specifies a trusted minor version and manages a trusted OS with a set of middleware in Docker

We use Python and reliable Python Native libraries that specify minor versions of Python and reliable Python Native libraries on top of that, managing reliable OS versions as a set of middleware and powers, etc., through thorough verification of actual results as much as possible.

For those who have read this

If you have read this far, I am sure we share some values, and I would be very happy if we could talk casually first.
Definer, Inc. is looking for people to work with.




Kentaro Sakamotoさんにいいねを伝えよう
Kentaro Sakamotoさんや会社があなたに興味を持つかも