
Smart Fashion On TBS

A new app in Vietnam – Smart Fashion was introduced on TBS of Japan. TBS Television is the flagship station of the Japan News Network, owned and operated by the Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings – the largest shareholder of the Premium Platform Japan, with a 31.5 percent stake.

TBS introduced Smart Fashion because of the innovation of this app. Smart Fashion is the first virtual fitting room and outfits suggestion app in Vietnam developed by BAP Ventures.

This app was officially public on May 15th, 2020 with two features:

  • TRY-ON: With this feature, users can try on clothes right on the app by selecting existing models or uploading their own photos and try on before making a shopping decision. The interface is simple and easy to manipulate, including three languages: Vietnamese, English and Japanese. When you try a product, Smart Fashion will suggest other suitable items available in the store to mix and match. Customers can also buy clothes at the store on the app

  • STYLISH: This feature suggests a harmonious way of dressing, suitable for any figure. Thanks to image analysis technology, the app will offer suggestions that match the user’s figure. This virtual fashion design feature also helps you choose suitable outfit for different purposes such as events or work based on AI technology.

Apart from the two main features, each product on Smart Fashion has a QR Code. Users can send this code to their friends to use.

These utilities will save much time for users as they can try on the clothes without spending hours to go shopping physically. With this app, you just need to do a few simple steps to mix and max whatever you want.

Furthermore, Smart Fashion develops based on contribution of users to develop so that it will improve the features, and will absorb and strive to provide the best experience.

Smart Fashion now can be downloaded for free on iOS and Android online store.

Visit Smart Fashion website at: Smart Fashion

Download the app on App Store and Google Play: Click here

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