
I want to expand our distribution channels all over the world and improve customer service skills.ー世界各地に代理店を拡大し、サービス満足度を向上させたい(営業部/サブマネージャー/Mathieu Provencal)

こんにちは!カーペイディーエムの社員インタビューです。今回は営業部のサブマネージャーを務めるMathieu Provencal(プロヴァンサル・マチュー)です。

Hello! The following are interviews conducted with the employees of Carpaydiem. Our fourth interview was with Mathieu Provencal, the Assistant Manager of the Sales Department.

Mathieu Provencal(プロヴァンサル・マチュー)

Born and raised in Canada, Mathieu came to Japan eight years ago when he got married. In 2019, he joined Carpaydiem due to his interest in sports cars and foreign cultures since his childhood. He is friendly, easy to talk to and highly-respected by his peers. Mathieu lives in Chiba with his family and loves to spend time with his children as well as go shopping during the holidays. He also enjoys his work.




ーPlease describe your current job responsibilities.
I am the Assistant Manager of the Overseas Sales team that deals with selling used cars to Europe and Africa. Our main business is to find and propose vehicles at Japanese auctions that meet our customers’ demands. I make sure to reply to each inquiry immediately. Generally speaking, the number of photos displayed of cars at auctions is limited. However, in our case we can describe the condition of the car in detail by taking pictures of the actual car that is at the venue, done by our dedicated staff. This can be considered to be one of our strengths. By responding promptly and courteously to customers’ inquiries and meeting their requests, I believe we are able to provide excellent customer service.



ーWhy do you think your job is rewarding?
I find it rewarding when I can propose the perfect car while understanding the cultural background of customers around the world. With our extensive knowledge of the used car market, our sales staff search the right car, while analyzing the regulations and popular car models of a country. For instance, hybrid cars are popular in the UK, left-hand drive cars are preferred in Europe, and cheap but durable Toyotas are in demand in Africa. The specifications required for each city also differ.
At the time of joining the company, I didn’t have any knowledge about cars so I tried to gather information by listening to our customers’ requests. I can now share my experience with my peers and focus on more managerial tasks to come up with great proposals for our clients.



ーWhat kind of work did you do before?
When I lived in Canada, I was working in the International Sales Department of a company that exports lighting equipment. When I came to Japan after marrying a Japanese woman eight years ago, I worked as an English teacher at an English conversation school for about 6 months. However, I didn’t feel challenged enough in this job. After attending a Japanese language school for a year and a half, I got a job at a Japanese company that exports Japanese cars. I worked there for four years.



ーPlease tell us the reason why you were interested in working for Carpaydiem.

I decided to join Carpaydiem when I met my colleague from my previous job. He was already working at Carpaydiem and said, “our corporate results have been improving, and I'm sure our company will grow."
When I joined this company, there were about 15 employees, but in the last two years, the number doubled year by year. I think our company has a strong potential for future growth.


ーPlease tell us some professional skills you have gained at Carpaydiem.
The company is growing and as such, working in a team has become more important than doing things independently. Now, as an Assistant Manager, I'm thinking about how to provide a comfortable working environment for my colleagues while improving the sales aspect of the whole company. Also, compared to general Japanese companies, we have an “open” culture where we can say what we have in our mind. Things get done very quickly at our company. I feel as though I can continue to grow and improve my skills at Carpaydiem.



ーPlease tell us what kind of challenges you seek.

I would like to increase the number of distribution channels of Carpaydiem. Even though the Internet has become a standard in today’s society, there are still many customers who are not comfortable shopping online that involves wiring a large amount of money overseas. It is encouraging to know to have a local agency where customers can directly ask questions when something goes wrong. However, building trust is paramount at Carpaydiem. We are absolutely committed to guaranteeing the price and quality of our services. Therefore, not everyone can become our agent. We would like to expand our sales network all over the world and build the value of the brand that enables a safe and secure online shopping experience for our clients.



ーPlease tell us what you would say to those who are thinking about joining the company!

If you want to take on new challenges or improve your professional skills, you have come to the right place! It's a fast-paced environment, but I think you can learn a lot and grow professionally. Even if you can’t speak Japanese, as long as you can use English, and are interested in applying, don't hesitate to contact us!


