

It all started because Cai Li, the co-founder was always helping his girlfriend to buy beauty products, bags and unique local snacks whenever he travels. So he thought, wouldn't it be awesome if he can help others at the same time? That is why we started Airfrov - to enable shoppers to tap on the burgeoning travellers network to get their favourite brands and unique items, from all over the world. No more shipping restrictions. No more hassle of forwarding items. Get your overseas products from Airfrov.


We value Openness - because it is a crime to not share knowledge. We believe in constant Innovation and improvement because change is inevitable and we want to be the catalyst for betterment. All our focus is on the Customer - because delivering value and happiness to them make us sustainable, and seeing their happy faces make us satisfied. Everyone is Responsible and we work together as a Team. Thats how we overcome problems together and have fun, together! · We conduct a weekly cross-department standup meeting for everyone to share interesting notes or things they are working on across department. · All full-timers are also given 1 day off monthly to just learn (with sponsored courses). Plus we invite external speakers every month to share their expertise · We believe that you can contribute much more if you are empowered to make decisions and take the responsibilities with it. · We invest in growing our team members - why? Because if you grow, the company grow