About Glory.
こんにちは、はじめまして、グローリーと申します。台湾の台北出身です。ジャパンインフォ(Japan Info)で三年間働いっています。今は中国語のウェブサイトの運営に携わっています。どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
I came to Tokyo to learn Japanese and started partime job in Japan Info three years ago. I got experience and learned a lot of things at work and had great time with all colleagues. Unfortunately our boss did buyout and will leave the company, this is the reason I want to join the new company which relate to my skill.
I like traveling and making friends with different contries people, sharing and exchange experience in community. My dream is to be an artist of painting, this is another reason I chose to come to Tokyo.
This is my artwork web https://glorylai.wordpress.com/
Thank you for reading my resume, hope can get the good news from you:)