
Graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma in Interaction Design. Also served my 2 years of national service in SCDF as an EMT or more commonly known as medic. I'm a shy person at the start so most of my friends are people who initiates the conversation first. However they tend to wonder why they are friends with me when they get to know more about my weird personality. I tend to be very cr


Bike Patrollers


Finding OFO bikes in the grid given and consolidating it at designated parking areas. Given a certain KPI to hit everyday and also other tasks given thus time management and planning was crucial in this job.


Emergency Medical Technician


Served 2 years of NS as an EMT(Medic). Learned medical skills to ensure that people in camp are given the proper treatment to their injuries, also to be calm and quick-thinking when faced with a critical situation. Given the responsibility to also lead my department medics as an in-charge.

High Achievers6ヶ月

Camp Instructor


An ad-hoc job as a camp instructor. Main task were ensuring that campers have and enjoyable and meaningful journey as they gain new skills throughout the camp and also to ensure they do it safely. Had to communicate and plan with other instructors so as to ensure that the whole programme runs smoothly.

Nanyang Polytechnic

Diploma in Interaction Design

Mainly focus on graphic designs, website designs, UX/UI designs with some minor courses along.


Creative Team Intern


Working with the creative team and assisting them in problem solving and inputting ideas for projects given which includes App Testing, designing user interface, creating storyboard for presentations and other duties assigned. Communication was key in doing the projects as a team.


Service Crew(インターン)


Working in a fast paced environment as a cashier and runner. Left the job to focus on 'O' Levels.


  • Teamwork

  • Adaptability

  • Fast Learner

  • Web design

  • Photography (Basic)

  • Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator




  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • マレー語 - ネイティブレベル
