
Darren Liu Hao Quan

Lion Global Investors Ltd / Assistant ManagerSingapore

Darren Liu Hao Quan

Lion Global Investors Ltd / Assistant Manager

I have a strong passion for technology and data analytics and is looking to move into this field. I am a strong believer that technology and big data will revolutionise various industries in the next decade and will like to be part of it. Recently, I joined interest groups such as Nurture AI, PyData Singapore and Singapore Kaggle Machine Learning Challenge to expand my knowledge in the field of Da

Lion Global Investors Ltd7年間

Assistant Manager現在

- 現在

• Prepare and analyse periodic performance reports and statistics such as contribution and attribution effects using the EAGLE Investment System for portfolios of equity, fixed income and multi asset funds.

IAM Advisory Group3ヶ月

Wealth Strategist


• Perform comprehensive financial needs analysis and recommend solutions to optimise and strategise client’s financial portfolio to reduce unnecessary expenses. • Provide Individual Risk Management: Employ need-based analysis to recommend suitable solutions.

Navig8 Group1年間

Business Process Analyst


• Collaborated with consultants and stakeholders for the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Certification for the Bunker Trading business unit and achieved certification in 6 months to increase competitiveness.

Singapore General Hospital Pte Ltd3年間

Management Trainee


• Analysed data from ORACLE Business Intelligence Platform to identify healthcare trends and worked on projects to reduce waiting time to appointment for patients which resulted in 50% waiting time reduction and met MOH KPI.

Aventis Manufacturing Pte Ltd6ヶ月

Student Intern


• Collaborated with the engineering team on a project to reduce operating cost of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) which resulted in cost reduction of about $100k per year through optimisation of treatment processes.

Great Eastern3ヶ月

Student Intern


• Achieved the best team award for case study presentations, challenges and quizzes at the business camp.


Darren Liu Hao Quanさん


Wantedlyユーザー もしくは つながりユーザーのみ閲覧できる項目があります



Darren Liu Hao Quanさんのプロフィールをすべて見る


  • python

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Muhammad Razzaqul Haiderが+1

  • SQLServer

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Muhammad Razzaqul Haiderが+1

  • SQLite

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Muhammad Razzaqul Haiderが+1

  • Minitab

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Muhammad Razzaqul Haiderが+1

  • Oracle database

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Muhammad Razzaqul Haiderが+1

  • Analysis、Project management、Problem Solving 他25件
