アクセンチュア株式会社 / Human Resource
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services in strategy and consulting, interactive, technology and operations, with digital capabilities across all of these services. We combine unmatched experience and specialized capabilities across more than 40 industries – powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operati
We help organizations maximize their performance and achieve their vision. We develop and implement technology solutions to improve our clients’ productivity and efficiency—and may run parts of their operations on their behalf. Ultimately, we enable our clients to become h
・新卒採用を実施する企業様をクライアントに、採用戦略の立案から広告の企画・提案、実制作までトータルで行う ・大手SIer企業様が新卒で175人採用を成功するためのPRJに参画 ・コミュニケーションディレクターとして、コンセプトを制定。広報・PRの企画から入
■営業事務ー営業活動支援、受発注・在庫管理(2012年 4月 - 2014年 3月)
森 真穂さん
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