
Graduation Trip to the UK, Thank God, I found my personal Britain.

Finished the UK VISA application process, bought a MacBook Pro by using my mother's credit card. And booked a beautiful hostel which named Mary and Rose Inn, I took my baggage to Narita Airport, transited in Beijing, fly from Beijing to London. Then the following stories happened:

March 9th, 2011, on the flight from Beijing to London. Huge Boeing 767 plane, big chair, videos, excellent food and drink services, everything was great but one terrible thing happened with me: I didn’t find my wallet and my iPhone 4 at that flying time. The Synapse---Although an impulse travels along an axon electrically, it crosses a synapse chemically. The cytoplasm at the terminal branch of the presynaptic neuron contains many vesicles, each contains thousands of molecules of neurotransmitter. Depolarization of the presynaptic membrane causes Ca++ ions to rush into the terminal branch through calcium gated-channels. This sudden rise in Ca++ levels stimulates the vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release the neurotransmitter exocytosis into the synaptic cleft. Once in the synapse, the neurotransmitter binds with receptors on the postsynaptic side, altering the membrane potential of the postsynaptic cell and resulting in a response. Cells communicate over short distances by using local regulators that target cells in the vicinity of the emitting cell.

if I hold a Holy Bible, and I actually read the scripture every week, and I got Baptized. The following explains came, of course with God’s wisdom and thinking method.

Axon electrically: Anglo-American School of Moscow; synapse + terminal: MUFG Beijing rural side office Ca++: Coca-cola, Sperm, a famous soft drink in Japan. membrane: Melbourne; vicinity: the year 2015 in Beijing, WeChat, New Zealand, Paris’ airport.Conclusion essay: my wallet and iPhone were stolen in the Boeing plane on nearly 25000 feet by two souls who traded Coca-cola, whales, and soft-drinks(Japan) illegally before they died. And my wallet and iPhone were founded at MUFG Beijing Yi Zhuang Office at that night. And if I didn’t accept Nikko’s mixed style on the job training, I will fly to Australia in 2015 and fly to Japan, solved French-style chocolate puzzle games. Totally, for myself, DO NOT be a wastrel.

after arrived at Heathrow Airport, I firstly needed to enter the gateway and custom. The Old gentleman asked me: "Why are you coming?", I just answered him:" sorry just for traveling". Then he stamped unpleasantly. Without holding a wallet and an iPhone, the only way for me to get into the hostel and enjoy my UK graduation trip was, calling to my father. Of course, he got my phone call and said that his colleague Li Guoming, who is the senior employee of XINHUA news agency will come to pick me up to his apartment and give me some bonds. I really appreciated the Indian British airport staff who allows me to use the phone. Surprisingly, many South-Aisa family immigrants perhaps came from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India were pushing the push mobile with their lovely babies. Heathrow was looked like an Indian airport. More and more South-Aisa families are dreaming to immigrate to Britain and I wish their dreams came true. Then Mr.Li arrived and driven me to his apartment. He just talked about his ping pong experiences with local British, he said they were a little bit rude. Furthermore, his wife told me that you must visit Winsdor Castle which is the first destination of Chinese visitors if my wallet and iPhone were be founded. Thank God, my wallet and iPhone were be brought by Mr.Li's colleague the next day time. Then, my personal made British trip was started!

Absolutely my first destination was the Great Britain Museum. It was free which means anyone does not need to buy the ticket to enter into. This ticket-free system should be introduced to both Japan and China. After I walked into the Museum, I was shocked by the atmosphere and cultural impaction from Mid-East old cultures' sculptures.

We knew the British colonies' army invaded Iraq and brought much priceless treasure. of course, Old Romanian sculptures, old Greek and German exhibitions were be shown on other floors. By the way, London's subway system is quite convenient and comfortable, what you need to do is just to buy an Oyster Card and charge money into it. Specialty, you may ask;" your trip sounds cool, but where you eat?". Futuantelly, the total 396 bond payment includes Breakfast like Orange Juice, Coffee, wheat circle, which we always see it in the U.S. dramas. The meal bestirred and charged me the energy to take the morning diesel high-speed train to London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Brighton. For lunch and dinner, the convenience stores and supermarkets in London provides any eat things. Portions of pasta, Sandwichs, drinks.

Oxford University would be one of my destinations on this Britain trip. Oxford PPE is the most difficult college subject on this planet. JK. Rowling's Harry Potter series films used Oxford University's college buildings. And the Bodleian library was amazingly beautiful and solemnly.

After Oxford Campus tour, Michael Hu, who is the manager of China's Nation Council of Social Security Fund, introduced WU YANG to have dinner with me to discuss my future career in London or New York. WU YANG works at the biggest hedge fund in Europe, The LandownePartners. He asked me firstly, "Which part are you working in now? Sell-side or buy-side?". I explained to him my situation and he began talking about his career at U.S.-Europe hedge funds and investment banking industry. Before serious talking, he told and showed me his office, a luxury mansion's first floor looks mystery and gorgeous. And he laughingly told me which club is mafia coming, which ox-bridge program you are now taking. Wu Yang graduated from the FU DAN University finance degree, worked for UBS and went to the business school of Columbia University.

During my 12 days visit to Britain, I got a chance to get into a sports-themed restaurant. I found many soccer superstars pictures on the wall. And the waiter who's name is Silva Fernados showed his friendship and passion to a new fresh Asian visitors.
