
Graduating with a degree in Computer Science and Japanese, I went on to work as a software engineer on a development team at a Solutions company in Japan that focused on developing and upgrading systems for other companies. Currently employed as a web engineer at N2i.



I want to continue to expand my experience and knowledge as a developer through my contributions to projects at and outside of work, by not only deepening my understanding of frameworks and systems familiar to me, but also learning new techniques to further my growth.



Web Engineer現在

- 現在

Currently employed as a web engineer.

Nippon Information Co., Ltd.4年間

Software Engineer


Developed and upgraded legacy desktop applications using the .NET framework while leading some teams in testing and managing bug fix requests, maintained and expanded a web application in JavaScript and was responsible for debugging and post-production maintenance, and developed an API in Java for a card reader system. Work was conducted exclusively in Japanese.

Nanzan University9ヶ月

Intensive Japanese Studies


After graduation from university, attended a university in Japan for one year in order to improve my Japanese to be prepared for working society in Japan. Specifically, learned business Japanese and took courses such as history, literature, and classic arts.

University of Rochester4年間

BA in Computer Science and Japanese


In addition to core computer programming courses such as data structures, algorithms, and computer systems, I focused on courses that involved artificial intelligence and Natural Language Processing. Along with double majoring in Japanese, I was able to balance my two majors and gain a wide understanding of perspectives of people in the d


  • JavaScript

    • 福島 大輝

    福島 大輝が+1

  • JLPT N1

    • 福島 大輝

    福島 大輝が+1

  • .NET Framework

  • Java

  • C#



  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - ビジネス会話レベル
