Elastic / Principal software engineer
Tech lead on the Elastic Cloud IAM (Identity Access Management) team, where we take care of making sure you are who you say you are and can do only what you're supposed to do :D
As Tech lead: * Designed, and led implementation of multi-User Organisations into Cloud. This introduced the ability to have multiple Users administering an Elastic Cloud account, in a live, revenue-delivering, legacy (6yr+) codebase. Delivered safely with zero downtime o
Served as interim team manager for the IAM team in addition to the tech lead role.
* Implemented version whitelisting and version upgrade blacklisting, allowing our SaaS-offering operators to dynamically selectively enable/disable access to certain Elastic stack version and upgrade paths
Specialised in Biomedical Engineering, mostly spent my time enjoying biocomputing, neural bioelectricity, biomechanics and staying away from anything chemistry related.