
Hi! I'm Arline. I have four years experience of being Graphic and UI/UX Designer. I'm a team player that able to work independently. My goal is to create aesthetically pleasing solution, experience, and identity for the user, client, and the design project itself.



The design must prioritize seamless user experience while still applying graphic design principles. Components and variants in the design files must be organized, customizable and sorted by priorities. It must also follow the design system for a product as a whole, or create a whole new design system if the old ones are obsolete.

Kompas Gramedia1年間

Product Designer


• Translated over 50 documents into wireframes and UI/UX Design for the biggest news platform in Indonesia • Worked closely with designers from different divisions and developers to create a cohesive and efficient UI

  • MVP Loyalty Program Koin

    Koin Loyalty Program is a Minimum Viable Product designed to increase user's loyalty and boost traffic to the media platform. The MVP was subjected to samples for a period of time. And after the MVP was proven to have increased traffics, the pre-registration landing page which used the fake door method was launched to analyze public interest.


PT Tenaga Kanggo Indonesia3年間

UI/UX Designer


• Translated over 50 documents into wireframes and UI/UX design for online handyman service application • Collaborated with developers in designing consistent and effective UI based on approved component libraries

Monash University, Caulfield campus3年間

Master of Design


Interaction Design

Office & Dragons Ltd.1年間

UI/UX Designer


• Designed user journey based on design objective • Created wireframes and user interfaces design in Adobe XD

Bina Nusantara University5年間

Bachelor of Arts


Animation and Graphic Design
