

Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) / Research Intern (Final Year Project)Singapore


Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) / Research Intern (Final Year Project)

A self-motivated lifelong learner, with a strong passion for software engineering and data science.



Ultimately, in the future, I aspire to be data scientist at a progressive organisation and to drive positive organisational impact by utilising technology.

Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)5年間

Research Intern (Final Year Project)現在

- 現在

As part of my Final Year Project at Coventry University, I am currently working closely with a veteran data scientist from the Institute of High Performance Computing at A*STAR. My project title is ‘Auto-Feature Engineering for Time Series Data’, intending to enhance the performance of machine learning models by effectively generating fea

Coventry University

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science

Organisations: Vice President (Administration and Operations) of the IET PSB Academy On Campus, Founding Vice President and PR/Media Manager of the SCS PSB Student Chapter Other Involvements: School of Engineering and Technology e-Newsletter Editorial Member, Student Mentor, STEM Ambassador

  • Online Marketplace

    Within 3 months, the group successfully developed a fully-functional online marketplace for buying and selling computer parts using Django, and documented the entire development process while adhering to the Scrum agile framework. The group also utilised Git and GitHub to effectively track source code changes and facilitate collaboration. As the tester in the group, I had realised the importance of testing and explored various testing methods such as automated testing using Python, unit testing and user acceptance testing. Key Technologies: Python Programming, Git and GitHub

  • Fitness Locator App

    Successfully developed an Android application using Android Studio and Java from scratch without using any third-party libraries. I had utilised and integrated tools such as Google Maps Platform APIs and Firebase Realtime Database into the application. Key Technologies: Android Studio and Java Programming


PSB Academy

Certificate and Diploma in Infocomm Technology

Organisations: Committee Member of the IET PSB Academy On Campus, Vice President of the SCS PSB Student Chapter Achievements: Diploma in Infocomm Technology Top Student Award


  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • インドネシア語 - 日常会話レベル
  • 北京語 - 日常会話レベル
