
  • セールス・事業開発
  • 6エントリー



on 2016/12/08





野間口 兼一

宅麺.comのファウンダー片割れののまけんです。 宅麺では、ラーメン店の営業を中心にやってます。 性格は底抜けに明るく、ポジティブ。 楽しいことが大好きです。 日本のラーメンを世界へ。 これがぼくの夢です。 楽しく熱狂出来る会社を目指してます。


宅麺.comのファウンダー片割れののまけんです。 宅麺では、ラーメン店の営業を中心にやってます。 性格は底抜けに明るく、ポジティブ。 楽しいことが大好きです。 日本のラーメンを世界へ。 これがぼくの夢です。 楽しく熱狂出来る会社を目指してます。


Ramen Gallery Takumen is a Japanese ramen chain based in Singapore. It started operations in Singapore in early 2015 and has built a unique business model that is highly scalable. Our company currently has 3 stores in the CBD, and a central kitchen in Woodlands. Each store serves up to seven different ramens from famous stores in Japan. Our company also has access to 80 more unique recipes that can be rolled out in Singapore. The central kitchen prepares all seven ramen, freezes them in portions of three servings and then delivers to the stores on a just-in-time basis. This centralized production model ensures product quality and also reduces cost at each store. It also enables store rollouts through a franchise model. With its wide product range, our company is well positioned to capture a wide customer base through different sales channels.
The Ramen Masters of Ramen Gallery Takumen
Circula shop
The master of Bigiya won the Bibuguruman of Michelin
Carefully cooking raise soup in the same process as Japan
App to tell the ramen culture of Japan
Content to convey the ramen culture of Japan


The Ramen Masters of Ramen Gallery Takumen

Circula shop

Ramen Gallery Takumen is a Japanese ramen chain based in Singapore. It started operations in Singapore in early 2015 and has built a unique business model that is highly scalable. Our company currently has 3 stores in the CBD, and a central kitchen in Woodlands. Each store serves up to seven different ramens from famous stores in Japan. Our company also has access to 80 more unique recipes that can be rolled out in Singapore. The central kitchen prepares all seven ramen, freezes them in portions of three servings and then delivers to the stores on a just-in-time basis. This centralized production model ensures product quality and also reduces cost at each store. It also enables store rollouts through a franchise model. With its wide product range, our company is well positioned to capture a wide customer base through different sales channels.


App to tell the ramen culture of Japan

Content to convey the ramen culture of Japan

Ramen Gallery Takumen business was set up by Gourmet Innovation Japan founder Inoue, whose dream is to roll out ramen stores across the world serving some of the best ramen Japan has to offer. He moved to Singapore in early 2014 and set up the business singlehandedly. In order to deliver the best ramen Japan has to offer. We taps on Takumen.com’s relationships with famous ramen stores in Japan to secure international distribution rights at a nominal royalty payment for each serving sold outside Japan. We believes Singapore is the starting point to building a ramen chain across the world. *Gourmet Innovation Japan is an online startup started in 2010 by Inoue, one of the early participants of Japan’s internet startup boom. The company runs Takumen.com, an online ramen store providing home delivery of ready-to-eat packages of more than 120 famous ramen stores across Japan. Takumen.com contracts 120 famous ramen stores throughout Japan to pack and freeze their ramen during off peak hours, subsequently sending the frozen packages to Takumen.com’s central warehouse. Takumen.com then sells these ramen to consumers through their website.


The master of Bigiya won the Bibuguruman of Michelin

Carefully cooking raise soup in the same process as Japan

Ramen Gallery Takumen currently consists of three stores in central Singapore, supported by a central kitchen in Woodlands. It serves as a proof of concept that Takuya’s vision to deliver a mix of the best Japanese ramen in a single store is possible. Ramen Gallery Takumen started with one roadside store in Boat Quay, and subsequently added two food court like stores in Enggor Street and LauPatSat. These stores currently serve seven different kinds of ramen, selected based on a combination of tasting results with locals and the ramen’s story telling potential. The stores are supported by a central kitchen in Woodlands, which prepares all seven ramen, freezes them in portions of three servings and delivers to the stores on a just-in- time basis. Significant time and effort was invested to reproduce the ramen to the satisfaction of the recipe owners under local conditions.


日本で培ったラーメン店とのリレーションをベースに海外にラーメン文化を広めるべくシンガポールに進出して2年。直営店2店舗にフランチャイズ店2店舗と店舗を増やして来ましたが、店舗やセントラルキッチンのスタッフを入れても20名に満たない人数で会社を運営しております。 これから規模を拡大していくに辺り、新しい店舗のスタッフや店長候補はもとより、マーケティング、FC営業、バックオフィスとあらゆるポジションで人材が不足しています。 まずは、英語でコミュニケーションを取りながら、キッチンやホールの仕事をして頂きますが、まだまだ立ち上げ期のベンチャー企業になりますので、能力に応じて店舗のマネジメント、会社全体のマーケティング、ブランディングの戦略立案、多店舗展開の仕組みづくりやFC展開など、様々なことにチャレンジして頂く予定です。非常に責任もあるチャレンジングな機会だとは思いますが、その分精神的にも肉体的にも大きなプレッシャーがかかる仕事になります。 また、シンガポール人とDP/PRを持っている方のパートも募集しております。 飲食業界での勤務経験は問いません。事業に共感いただき、どんな環境でも一緒に事業を成功させたいと思って頂ける方を募集します。 国籍は問いませんが、日本のラーメン文化を伝えていく仕事のため、日本語にて日常的なコミュニケーションが取れることが前提となります。物怖じせずに元気よく笑顔でコミュニケーションとれる方のご応募をお待ちしております。 基本的にはシンガポール国内での募集となりますが、東南アジアや日本の飲食店で勤務されている方からのご応募もお待ちしております。メッセージのやり取りとスカイプ等を使ったMTGを通して採用を進めさせて頂きます。 先々は、ひとつの国のカントリーマネージャーを目指す、そんな高い目標を持ったスタッフに参加して頂きたいと考えています。 ※日本人の若手スタッフの採用はVISA取得の為、大卒以上とさせて頂いております。



    1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
    2. 会社からの返信を待つ
    3. 話す日程を決める
    4. 話を聞きに行く




    • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/
    • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/

    #06-10 Food Xchange 8A Admiralty Street Singapore 757437