Ash Curkpatrick
Originally from the Middle of Nowhere, Australia - for some strange reason I've now found myself to be the creative lead at YAOYA, an independent multimedia and marketing company in Japan. I've had over 15 years of largely varied industry experiences. I have a background in interactive media, branding, and advertising. For 6 years I worked at Dentsu Isobar in Melbourne Australia where I worked on a huge range of brands such as Jetstar, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Holden/Chevrolet, ANZ Bank and many more. I've also had experience as a freelance animator and illustrator, along with various jobs focussing on UX and interfaces. As for my educational background I studied animation and interactive media at RMIT University in Melbourne, Japan and also received a diploma in multimedia from Melbourne Polytechnic. Oh, also, I like pigs.
福本 真士
森 楓
学生時代からYAOYA株式会社のインターンとして参加。webデザイナー / webコーダー/webディレクターとしてインターン時代から約3年、web制作案件を担当。その後、フロントエンジニアとしてReactを中心にwebアプリ開発に加わる。デザイナー / エンジニアの経験を活かし、現在はゲーム開発チームでデベロッパーとして活躍。
大阪府大阪市西区北堀江1-19-1 八光心斎橋AIRビル7F