株式会社アペルザ / 正社員、エンジニアリングマネージャー
某有名ブロガーさんのキャリア設計が今でも割と自身の骨組みになっていたりします:https://chikirin.hatenablog.com/entry/20120414(キャリアのVSOP - Chikirinの日記)
http://massmass.jp/project/scrum2016_final/ https://massmass.jp/event_and_school/yokohamfairtourism/
https://www.hamakei.com/headline/9892/ https://www.hamakei.com/headline/9746/ https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/city-info/koho-kocho/press/keizai/2016/20160726-024-23661.files/phpO8Epjp.pdf http://www.triphugger.com/blog/?p=542
Drive product strategy in Rakuten Global Ichiba Business as a Product Management team. A senior product manager of product management group to collect business requirements, perform competitor analysis, prioritisation of the features, design solution specifications and customer support in Global Ichiba.
Refine business requirements and design solution specifications in Rakuten Global Ichiba Business. Started as an associate product manager.
A development team manager from 4 to over 15, focusing on the backoffice system for merchants to manage own orders, shippments and payments integrated with external logistics provides, payment service providers in Rakuten Global Ichiba system.
Started from a web application developer of Rakuten Rental which is an online media(DVD and CD) rental service and in the end, lead a development team from 4 people.