独立行政法人情報通信研究機構(NICT) / 情報通信セキュリティ研究センター インシデント対策グループ(旧セキュリティ高度化グループ)専攻研究員
共著:SSH Distribution Transport on Erlang Concurrent System | Proceedings of IPSJ Computer Security Symposium 2009 (CSS2009)
The Erlang distributed concurrent system has been popular for a large-scale network application development. The distributed process execution environment of Erlang rpc module depends on point-to-point communication between the nodes and the arbitrary port-mapping mechanism, and is prone to security attacks on a wide-area Internet. In this paper, we propose a distributed process execution environment of Erlang based on Secure Shell (SSH) connections between the nodes, and evaluate the results of experiments with a prototype implementation. 共著:力武 健次, 中尾 康二