第45回技能五輪国際大会 サイバーセキュリティ職種 敢闘賞(Medallion for Excellence)
Won the 6th as team Japan
LINE株式会社 / Application Security Engineer
**最新のプロフィールについては、https://about.8ay.ac/ をご覧ください。**
Found an Stored XSS on GitLab
Found an ReDoS on GitLab.
* Working as a member of the Application Security Team * Ensuring the security and quality of a wide range services and products developed by LINE and group companies. Platforms and technologies include Web, mobile, desktop, IoT, Fintech, and more. * Reference: [Job description](https://line-careers.website.line-apps.com/jobs/168)
* Authorization Bypass in RegexRequestMatcher of Spring Security * Contributed to identifying the cause in resolving this issue, and was credited.
Organized LINE CTF 2022 as a member of LINE AST(Application Security Team). / Made a web challenge. (Haribote Secure Note) / Reference: https://ctftime.org/event/1472/
【課外活動】 2017/08/30, 31「SansNetWars 2017 東京」参加, CTFteam:mi_chan, 結果:17位/25チーム 2017/10/07「SECCON Beginners 2017東京」参加, 個人成績:3位/約100人(129人?)
・Webアプリケーション診断 ・その他の業務
林 義徳さん
Wantedlyユーザー もしくは つながりユーザーのみ閲覧できる項目があります
林 義徳さんのプロフィールをすべて見る
Won the 6th as team Japan