
What is Wantedly SG60 Stories about?

This year, Singapore celebrates our 60th birthday, and to honour this momentous occasion, we are launching a year-long content series featuring 60 individuals (or couples and groups) who have become who they are today because of Singapore, and who are making a difference in Singapore.

SG60’s theme is a refreshed spirit, and by celebrating Singapore’s journey to date, Wantedly also wants to spotlight some of those who have contributed to the past, and will be shaping the next chapter of the Singapore story. And as a nation, we reflect on our shared values of multiculturalism, boldness, resilience and openness, which allowed us to prosper… This series aims to be a platform for individual reflection on what our own values are, and how we discover our passion and strive towards our purpose.

From Harvard Business Review, in summary, values are your non-negotiable foundation, passion is about what excites and motivates you, and purpose is your deeper reason for existence.

Wantedly’s mission is to create a world where work drives passion, and whether you are a founder or creator, a leader or a gig worker, a consultant or a teacher, discovering and aligning your values, passion, and purpose will give you the best chance at having a fulfilling career, and more importantly, a meaningful life. On top of that, organisations can achieve their mission, and society and beyond will benefit in the long run.

If you know anyone whose story is deserving to be heard and can inspire, please recommend to me - andrew@wantedly.com.

Once again, in celebration of SG60, let us strive to be bolder and kinder to one another, for Singapore and ourselves.

This series was brought to you by Wantedly Hire - an application tracking system optimised for modern hiring practices. Experience seamless hiring with tailored workflows designed to align with your recruitment structure, automated interview scheduling, and actionable insights to optimise hiring performance!

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