
Wanted(ly) Reset #2 - How to practice self-care when you have a busy schedule

Oh, life.

No matter what we do, if we're married or single, have children or not, we spend our lives on the go. We check in with the people around us but do we ever say, "Okay, self, what do we need?"

Think about this for a minute:

  • What brought you joy today?
  • If you had time, what would you do?
  • Have you taken a moment to unwind this week?

If you've answered "no" or "I don't remember" to any of these questions, let's 👏 schedule 👏 self-care. Self-care, aka taking a little bit of "me" time, is as important as attending work calls. If you're not at your best, who'll do the work?

Understandably, incorporating self-care into your routine can seem daunting and even impossible when busy. However, self-care is vital for you and the people under your care. Giving without taking time to care for yourself affects your overall well-being. After all, you can't pour out of an empty cup 😌

If you're like most of us, you spend most of your day taking care of everything but yourself. Whether you're hustling for that promotion, juggling night classes, or balancing between a career and a social life, recognise that self-care requires managing the work you and the rest of you.

📢 Before you go, check out these resources:

  1. Check out warning signs of mental fatigue
  2. Stop feeling exhausted after work
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