
#WhyWantedly Features: Interns from the Singapore Team!

This Week, #WhyWantedly Features the Interns from the Singapore Team!

What is #WhyWantedly?

As part of the #WhyWantedly series, the hashtag represents our team's reasons for working at Wantedly and our motivations, be it company culture, environment, people and more.

This #WhyWantedly story is an #InternEdition, where we feature our current batch of interns to share more about their experience at Wantedly so far. Let’s hear more from Royston, Afiqah, Vivien and Josabella!

Meet Royston, Former National Football Player and Client Success Intern.

Hi, all Royston here! I’m a Psychology major studying at the University of Sydney and doing an internship with Wantedly. I was a national footballer until 19 - the best days of my life!

Describe Wantedly in one word:

Purposeful 😌

Royston’s #WhyWantedly:

First, I loved the interview process with Andrew (our Country Manager) and Kelly (our Client Success Associate). The interview process showcased the culture of working with Wantedly, and I thought it would be a perfect fit.
I also loved the vision of Wantedly to make an impact in the job-hunting landscape in Singapore. Also, the purposeful finding of jobs resonated with me, and I wanted to share their vision of working as a Client Success intern.
Since joining, I have learnt so much from the team members, and the workplace has been so fun! I plan to continue contributing to the success of Wantedly in my next three months here!

Meet Afiqah, a Passionate Dancer and our Sales Intern.

Hello, I’m Afiqah! I’m currently an intern at Wantedly, exploring marketing and sales assets. I love the performing arts, especially how it brings people together, and it’s a natural form of expression.

Describe Wantedly in one word:

Inspiring 🌟

Afiqah’s #WhyWantedly:

I love the enthusiasm the people working at Wantedly have. They’re always excited and eager to try new things and are very big on celebrating the little things.
A good salesperson has more to offer customers than an exciting pitch; it’s about helping people. Since I like helping others, I thought working at Wantedly would be an excellent match to explore that part of myself.
Everyone was so welcoming and encouraging, even on my first day. It’s very rare to find a work environment with understanding and supportive people.

Meet Vivien, Resident Foodie and Our Marketing Intern.

Hello, Vivien here! I spend way too much on food, and do I care? No, because #youonlyliveonce

Describe Wantedly in one word:

Beautiful 🌸

Vivien’s #WhyWantedly:

Wantedly is a place beyond my expectations.
I felt very welcomed during my interview. Hence I knew this was something different, and I will love it here! Wantedly emphasises work culture and passion within the team, and that applies to our clients as well.
What’s even better is that our co-working space is located near the central area and that means a gorgeous view. Coming into the office is something I always look forward to, especially seeing my cute colleagues <3

Meet Josabella, Science Geek and Our Marketing Intern.

Hello, I’m Josabella! I previously studied Medical Biotechnology for my diploma, so this is a big change for me, but my colleagues have made it a great experience!

Describe Wantedly in one word:

Dedicated 🐜

Josabella’s #WhyWantedly:

I admire Wantedly’s dedication to its mission of driving a world where work drives passion. This is all built on the back of its dedicated team, who believe strongly in this mission! Joining the team here, that energy is contagious. I find myself pushing to work harder to help my colleagues, achieve my own goals for myself, as well as to achieve Wantedly’s visions.
The culture here is amazing, and I am comfortable sharing ideas and opinions without hesitation, as my colleagues are incredibly open-minded, and we all work together to build on each others’ ideas to create a fantastic outcome.
Dedication and teamwork make the dream work! XD

And that’s from our current batch of interns! We hope you learnt more about Wantedly, our mission, and our work culture. Till our next story, see you next time 👋.

Lots of love, Interns of Wantedly :D

Interested to learn more about Wantedly? Read other stories on our website!

Feeling inspired about what you have just read? Explore the opportunities below to join our team on our mission to build a world where work drives passion! ❤️‍🔥

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